Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
I agree Johnny. Amending previous years is a quick way to add some 5K penalties. The 4852 will also bring 5K fun times as well. There may be people still getting refunds using that method but the target is painted when a 4852 comes in. Perhaps during the rush of March and April some still get thru as the service probably brings in temps to do some of the manual sorting. However once the ACS system examines the data and cross references it with what you filed an audit or deficiency will promptly follow. That takes a year or two. CtC built the border of the puzzle. Lawful money filled in most of the rest.

David...Did you not purchase the book? That is why your forum access never got activated. You had to buy the book then contact Pete via the email you used to buy the book in order to gain access to the forum.

Great topic BTW!

I would not challenge for former (to redeeming lawful money by demand) years unless the IRS is getting nasty with you about paying up. We have some scientific process (LoR) going with a suitor couple for two, maybe three years with scarcely any income of any form to report - for $20K, maybe soon $30K in penalties for using Pete's book and methods. The LoR is in place and a R4C executed on the third tax year, just notified since filing.

So we will be getting a current report on the effectiveness of accusing Fraud by Omission and may work some trust structure description into the Default Judgment.

My CtC book was given to me by a suitor. I have a small collection of unread guru material. It is there on the bookshelf with the Are You Lost at C? and since I knew the co-author of that, I understood it well enough to understand I better stick with the 'saving to suitors' clause of 1789. For six years now I discovered §16 of the Fed Act. I guess my policy is that if an author/guru is spouting the remedy I describe, I am very interested in reading his book. Nobody else seems to be doing so.

Thank you for the explanation. I did not know buying the book was a requirement to post on Pete's Website.