Quote Originally Posted by macaddictjay View Post
Again, I will never know if simply responding to all the IRS letters within the stated deadlines would have saved me from the levy. I agree with other forum members here that Pete's analysis of tax law is correct, as far as it goes. One key aspect of taxation that Pete does not address (or seem to recognize) is the nature of money, and the fact that all IRS rules apply to what everyone assumes is "money," while what we commonly (and usually unknowingly) deal with in commerce is actually certificates of debt, masquerading as money....
Hello macaddictjay, welcome to the forum.

From personal experience with filing "HENDRICKSON" style, I can say that responding to every single IRS letter is the best way to go, as long as you respond by writing "Refused for Cause" with a thick red marker on every page they sent you. Then you send that back to them within 72 hours, by registered or certified mail, with green return receipt. You send a copy of that refusal for cause to a United States District Court near you, where you instruct the court clerk to file that copy into a miscellaneous case file, or if you go on the offensive, a civil case file.

In your correspondence with the court you use your true name so that they know that you are not a fictitious entity or trust account, because they have a bit of secret voodoo constructed around the legal name, which hinders them from seeing the living man.

There are instructions posted here in various places around the forum, search for "refusal for cause" or "refuse for cause", or R4C, as well as "Libel of Review" or LoR.
David Merrill is very knowledgeable about this, so if in doubt, ask him.

Pete HENDRICKSON interpreted the IRC in a logical and honest manner, IMHO, and fell into the trap that is built into the IRC for that type of personality.
I have noticed other traps that are built into the IRC, which are so clever and subtle that only haSatan himself could have devised it all.
That's a study unto itself, and various people have left evidence of it all over this forum.

For me the quest to figure out money and taxes started a long time ago; from the time that I found a token on the sidewalk which was inscribed FREEDOM on one side and NO CASH VALUE on the other, at the precise moment that I challenged the universe to show me truth about money, to filing tax returns HENDRICKSON style, to filing a Libel of Review and learning about law and identity. It's been an amazingly rewarding trip spiritually as well as physically.

Among other things, I have begun to understand what Yahushua (aka Jesus CHRIST) said in John 8:32:
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. "

Godspeed for your journey.

Shabbat Shalom