"The pieces of a puzzle rarely reveal the entire image until they are assembled". I've been told that when too many coincidences happen in a short amount of time they weren't coincidences but a plan. Too many things have happened and are happening in a short amount of time. Early this morning I caught an article on Yahoo that was removed soon after about Wuhan scientists wanting to release corona virus in bat caves to inoculate them and it was titled:

"Wuhan scientists planned to release coronavirus particles into cave bats, leaked papers reveal".

I'm not going to dive into it it's just another piece to the puzzle. So we have the pandemic, the national debt approaching 29T, the stock market and world economy on the verge of collapse, "inflation", insurrections and civil discourse, the slow degradation and collapse of society, extreme weather and environmental changes, climate change?? I'm a nut job when I say the word "depopulation".

Quote Originally Posted by teamsnowden

-It's interesting that the current proposed solution for triggering the AMC/GME squeeze and market crash is leaning towards ComputerShare. You of all people David, as well as readers of this forum who are struggling through the previous messages as I admittedly am, will appreciate this. ComputerShare enables us to register our shares of a stock in our name, instead of a registering to the broker (eg Fidelity), each share we REDEEM as our own, creates less opportunity for synthetic shares to be created in a dark pool exchanges by hedge funds such as (Citadel). Oddly enough, if we REDEEM our shares, it appears to be our REMEDY. Call me crazy (I've been called worse anyways) but this sure sounds like lawful money redemption. 513.33 M shares is the AMC float and 63.17 M shares is the GME float. So if we redeemed the smaller float, GME as shares in our own name without the brokerage, we can technically force the (currency of) stocks to go from elastic share lending/creation to an inelastic finite currency like Lawful Money with it's $300 Million constitutional "float." I think you've said it was or is a Bank Holiday or something grand when that happened and I think the market crash would be the 2021 version of this, as it will cause the economic crash, liquidity issues, and transfer of wealth from the greedy hedge funds to the common investor.

I agree with all this when it comes to lawful money redemption as we are redeeming something real that is ours as compared creating and loaning out synthetic (fake like FRN) shares. When it collapses and it's gonna collapse I hope a lot of people have a plan or exit strategy. Have you created any trusts to safeguard all assets?