Greetings All. Herein I will be presenting the Constitution as an Express Trust Indenture. It will take some time to sort through all the info I’ve put together on the subject and edit for presentation. Please bear with me.


It takes some study to really grasp this , so lets just state the Founders followed the Common Law in their dealings . That’s the Common Law of Mother England , by the way . This body of Law stretches back some 1,000 years . We are dealing primarily in Estates and Inheritance .

It is a tenet of Law that in order to determine the intent of a writing one must look to the preamble . ( In Statute that would be the “Empowerment Clause” ) . For our purposes I will note how it established the Constitution as a Trust instrument by fulfilling the requirements to establish a Trust .

Definitions of words from the 1828 edition of Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language are enlightening. Particularly State ( 5. A political body, or body politic; the whole body of people united under one government, whatever may be the form of the government. ) and Estate ( 6. The general business or interest of government; hence, a political body; a commonwealth; a republic. But in this sense, we now use State. ) and States ( n. plu. Nobility. The ONLY definition ) An online version is available at :

Numbered items are necessary elements to establish a Trust . See Bogert on Trusts . Earlier the edition the better .

WE THE PEOPLE ( 1 - Grantors ) of the United States ( from or out of the United / Joined Nobility ) , in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defense, promote the General Welfare , and secure the Blessings of Liberty ( 2 - Statement of Purpose ) to ourselves and our Posterity ( 3 - Grantees : Heirs unnamed ) , do ordain and establish ( 4 - Statement of Intent . Note : Ordain comes from Cannon Law ) this Constitution ( 5 - Written Indenture ) for the United States of America ( Joined Nobility belonging to America : 6 - The Name of the Entity Created )

The Preamble fulfills the 6 requirements necessary to establish a Trust . Recall that Rights , Privileges and Prerogatives of Commoners to Royalty are considered Personal Property ( incorporeal heredatiments ) inheritable by decent and Personal Property may only devolve to a Body Politic via Trust. We took all those combined Properties as spoils from the War for Independence . Had to divide up the booty somehow . Can it get any simpler ?

So how does this help me fend off intrusions by government Actors ? Simply ask them if they are exercising an Office of Trust, or one of Profit .

If the claim of authority is from an Office of Profit I am entitled to demand, either ;

1 - The circumstance whereby I came under the direct power of the Executive Branch / Office, or any Agency of the Executive, or :

2 - Production of the contract , agreement or other indenture binding me to commercial activity profitable to the claimant. Don’t hand me that line that I am party to some unwritten , unspoken “Social Contract” by mere fact of being Born Alive in some County confines .

If from an Office of Trust I am entitled to know how the claimant establishes their superior Claim of Rights in Property and may seize elements of my Personal Inheritance .

More later on the Bill of Rights as list of Property specifically excluded from the Federal Trust Res.