please notice that LEGAL M. NAME is most times capitalized when dealing with matters concerning the Federal Reserve Districts or matters concerning the Courts. Notice that all express trusts are capitalized. The term Legal goes to who holds the Titles. The Legal Title is in the Trustee; the equitable Title is in the cestui que trust or beneficiary.

Notice that the STATE OF "NAME" is always capitalized. It is a constructive trust. A noun. I know it can be confusing as trust can also be a verb in terms of "I trust in you"; yet also a noun as in "NAME OF TRUST COMPANY".

please consider that prior to formation of trust most times a survey on a "Form of Matter" or "Form of Thought" is made. For an example see Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. The Original Survey and therefore the Divine is with the Highest Claim as the Created cannot be greater than the Creator. Now consider that the Land belongs to the Creator.

The Land belongs to the Creator. As such prior to the formation of the State a Survey of the Form of Matter, in this case, the Land, is made. Boundaries are established based on a convenient Cartesian coordinate system, Lat/Long or Spherical or Polar coordinate systems - depends on Surveyor. Yet comprehend that a Survey is made FIRST. Then a Claim is made upon that Survey. Notice that the Survey is NOT the Land. It is a Survey OF the Land.

Now think of a survey as an overlay - remember the biology books of old? The skeleton is overlayed by a liver and before you know it the organs and the body form a picture with each successive overlay. So it is with the State and the Districts of the State. These are just Overlays. In engineering terms, I like to think of the overlays each having a different Z coordinate [elevation] over the land. Therefore there may be many States occupying the Land, yet they all share the same Land and yet their jurisdictions are concurrent over the Land.

Now remember the meaning of the term Legal? The Trustee manages the Property. But what is Property within a Trust? It is the "Right of Use". Therefore the trustee manages the Right of Use or manages the property. And the cestui que trust or beneficiary has the Right of Use or said another way Uses the Property.

Who do you think manages the LEGAL M. NAME? Who gave its issue?