Friends , this is the best show ever for an introduction to our lay and educated Compatriots . If you are a Court Player , or just someone trying to figure out what in the name of sanity is going on around here , please listen to this at least once .

One gem . Fellow asked Judge if he was Judicial or Administrative . Judge said Judicial . Fellow said then you are familiar with the 11th Amendment . You have no judicial power to hear any case in Law or Equity or Controversy created by the State. Judge walked off the Bench .

Another got the answer Administrative . Fellow said now you understand that under the Administrative Procedure Act , I have to be the Plaintiff in this Court Room as it is an Administrative Agency that is bringing a charge against me , and under the Administrative Procedures Act , I have to bring the charges against the Agency , not the other way around . Judge dismissed .

Download or Listen .
05/26/2011 11:27 AM EDT 1:29:19 EPISODE426 - AIB RADIO RBN BROADCAST SHOW

How it all started with one traffic ticket and tying his approach together . Subjects threaded together :

Statutes , Public Law , State of Emergency , Bankruptcy , Trading With the Enemy Act , State Title , Maintenance , Prepaid Accounts , Trust & Trustees , Administrative Law & Rules , Administrative Hearing / Court , Federal Rules , Code of Federal Regulations , Judicial Review , Public Policy , Private Agencies , Executive Branch , Title 42 , Civil Rights , Confiscation Act , Reconstruction Act , Liber Code , Military Jurisdiction , Strawman .

Over - Under - Around and Through .

Rod cut the commercials out after the first several and switched to the direct line . Some interesting exchanges that were not on the web cast .