My original post here was promoted to the Front Page Article on the Home button above. I hope you will register and give us your best. I like that feature, if Admin or a Moderator likes your Posts, they can easily be promoted to an Article too!

I have also started my first blog, ever. I will set up Categories next. I am not sure yet, but having a blog, if you are not a suitor may require a donation to help run the website. We are planning to be here for a while - in that we have diversified rebuild and maintenance responsibilities so as not to fall the same way SuiJurisClub did, by having only one exclusively responsible owner.

The rules here I hope will be respected and when not, I hope moderators and Admin will interpret violations liberally and with compassion toward knowledge that we infringe upon intellectual property considered private to the Bar Associations. Therefore we can expect that a large faction of readers are very upset with myself and other suitors for helping the layman find remedy from the banksters and Fed as described in effective and current law. My experience is that what comes off as insulting posts, from intelligent yet emotional posters, builds our learning base considerably.

One precept of American law that I hope we will all learn about and integrate into our conversations is Innocent until Proven Guilty. I think that precept is likely the most broadly conditioned lip service around! Through news media prosecutions, and shows like COPS, conditioning us that a police officer can become a shouting monster who can violently tackle you on a whim, the precept is widely convoluted to Guilty until Proven Innocent. Seriously! Speaking for my own overcoming of that conditioning; it is still difficult to watch the News broadcast an arrested accused child molester's mug shot without convicting him already in my mind. Did you know that you cannot get local News and newspapers at the local jail? That means that defendant may go into trial without ever knowing he has an already tainted jury pool... well, let's not get me on a rant already!!

Just because I have been given an opportunity to write the Premiere Post, I hope at least, does not give me extra weight to express my opinions and (hopefully constructive) criticisms too. My hope for 'Saving to Suitors' Club is that it will provide an entertaining place to learn for many years.


David Merrill.