Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
I believe it dangerous to consider the birth certificate as a monetary instrument. (Referring to the cute video.)

It is however the basis for identification which grants a credit rating. The birth certificate is therefore worth exactly what the banker, car dealer or credit union is willing to loan you, based in your identity (credit rating). Things like your career, and payment history play into that too. - Or at least they used to.

The SDRs are a measure though, of the social pseudonomania along those lines. People conditioned to protect their credit, and therefore the bankers, and even become as bankers involved in the national debt through endorsement of private credit from the Fed etc...

It helps to realize that until recently, gold had no value but being pretty and staying shiny while other metals lose lustre when they oxidize. Gold is heavy and too soft for weapons for example. The original monetization of sin is modeled in the Golden Calf Imagery as we find the gold cover there so distracting that Fire on the Mountain was ignored over it.
In the words of George Bush " nothing but a Damn piece of paper ".