Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post

Or more likely, a birth certificate is a charter document which gives the entity or entities chartered certain powers or rights concerning a State/Province. The B/C in the Canadian Provinces is more likely a share in the Province rather than in Federal Canada. The numbers on back are serial numbers as in a stack of blanks all have a serial number on the back of them. As they are printed off on a custom basis, the serial numbers are control numbers are likely sequential.

The value of a BC more likely actually comes from 'doing business' in, through or under the associated entity or entities. The more cars, bank accounts and the lke that you register under the BC...the more value perhaps? Transfer of energy to or through the entity in some manner voluntarily by "you".

On in as much pledging comes from ....you.

I think you have said the same thing more eloquently.

That doing business begins cashing or depositing for check transfer, your paycheck. The signature happens on the backside - endorsement. The fractional lending you endorse creates new bills to lend and lubricates new business (while depreciating the value of the bills and devaluing the stock/bond bail). Twenty years ago the bail amount on the driver license was likely half - more like $120.