Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
Fig tree..that doesn't produce fruit seems to draw a parallel with a factory that produces no cars but soaks up electricity and takes up space nonetheless. A plantation that...gives forth nada ..closed down? Any similarities.

I found myself pondering the "USA" in various regards. I consider how many femmes these days don't know how to cook or don't even want to bother. How few people I've come across with a good work ethic. Feminism, lesbianism and male homosexuality to the point that a straight masculine Man who persists in that straightness is much at a Lesbian-Bi-Gay-run coffee shop is much like a Chinese man at cross-burning in Middle-O-Nowhere, 'Bama.
I recall in junior high how I detested English - especially parsing out sentence structure into particulars like subordinate clause etc. That stuff was gagging me somehow and yet I think of how wealthy I would be now if only I had been interested.

Your post reminds me of how I would pass by the Home Economics room on my way to Metal and Wood Shop. I even recall one fellow being ribbed as femme or even homosexual, I don't recall exactly, for choosing Home Economics over the shop classes. Man! I am so glad to have even survived!