A register, among other definitions, is a record in writing. As a verb it is to record or to be recorded in an official list. Registration is the act of registering or being registered.
Regesta, a record of assets in ancient Rome, from which the English word register is derived
A record can also be an ACCOUNT.

This information comes to use under the Wikipedia page for security (finance):

Securities may be represented by a certificate or, more typically, "non-certificated", that is in electronic or "book entry" only form. Certificates may be bearer, meaning they entitle the holder to rights under the security merely by holding the security, or registered, meaning they entitle the holder to rights only if he or she appears on a security register maintained by the issuer or an intermediary. They include shares of corporate stock or mutual funds, bonds issued by corporations or governmental agencies, stock options or other options, limited partnership units, and various other formal investment instruments that are negotiable and fungible.
Registration also serves the purpose of pledging one's labor or assets to the pool. The pool is used to disperse payments as well as net usufruct for the fiduciary or settlor.

Example 1:

Your parents register you into Social Security.
Your labor or rather the value of your labor becomes the pledge, security, and funding to/for the pool.

Example 2:

Your land is registered to the County/State.
The land becomes the pledge and security for the pool in which said County/State can now write bonds against in order to acquire more funding for their operations.

The pools are for purposes of creating an asset in which to generate revenue as well as payout expenses.

The registration is the agreement for one agreeing to enter/pledge into the pool.

The assets of the pool come under the auspices and control of the fiduciary.

The pool is a trust.