I have traveled a great deal on the internet, and reached the same conclusion as others, that a banking cabal has controlled large swaths of this globe for decades. The cabal has been described variously as banksters, elite, cartel, illuminati, IMF, NWO, TPTB/W (The Powers That Be (or Were)), and so on. If true, you shouldn't feel too bad about it, I have reason to believe forces are at work against them, an epic battle raging mostly unseen, unless perhaps you follow the financial news. And furthermore, I sense the good guys (angels, lightworkers, White Hats, We The People) have the upper hand. The end of fiat money is near.

As many of us have escaped their control, and lacking any other thread to place items of a conspiratorial nature I've created this one.

conspiracy, n. (14c) An agreement by two or more persons to commit an unlawful act, coupled with an intent to achieve the agreement's objective, and (in most states) action or conduct that furthers the agreement; a combination for an unlawful purpose. 18 USCA § 371.
~ BLACK's LAW 9th Edition

or if you prefer - two guys getting together to rob a 7-11.