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Thread: cabal v. karma

  1. #1

    cabal v. karma

    I have traveled a great deal on the internet, and reached the same conclusion as others, that a banking cabal has controlled large swaths of this globe for decades. The cabal has been described variously as banksters, elite, cartel, illuminati, IMF, NWO, TPTB/W (The Powers That Be (or Were)), and so on. If true, you shouldn't feel too bad about it, I have reason to believe forces are at work against them, an epic battle raging mostly unseen, unless perhaps you follow the financial news. And furthermore, I sense the good guys (angels, lightworkers, White Hats, We The People) have the upper hand. The end of fiat money is near.

    As many of us have escaped their control, and lacking any other thread to place items of a conspiratorial nature I've created this one.

    conspiracy, n. (14c) An agreement by two or more persons to commit an unlawful act, coupled with an intent to achieve the agreement's objective, and (in most states) action or conduct that furthers the agreement; a combination for an unlawful purpose. 18 USCA § 371.
    ~ BLACK's LAW 9th Edition

    or if you prefer - two guys getting together to rob a 7-11.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyCash View Post
    I have traveled a great deal on the internet, and reached the same conclusion as others, that a banking cabal has controlled large swaths of this globe for decades. The cabal has been described variously as banksters, elite, cartel, illuminati, IMF, NWO, TPTB/W (The Powers That Be (or Were)), and so on. If true, you shouldn't feel too bad about it, I have reason to believe forces are at work against them, an epic battle raging mostly unseen, unless perhaps you follow the financial news. And furthermore, I sense the good guys (angels, lightworkers, White Hats, We The People) have the upper hand. The end of fiat money is near.

    As many of us have escaped their control, and lacking any other thread to place items of a conspiratorial nature I've created this one.

    conspiracy, n. (14c) An agreement by two or more persons to commit an unlawful act, coupled with an intent to achieve the agreement's objective, and (in most states) action or conduct that furthers the agreement; a combination for an unlawful purpose. 18 USCA § 371.
    ~ BLACK's LAW 9th Edition

    or if you prefer - two guys getting together to rob a 7-11.
    Get a look at this BoE that came to judgment (30 Days) on September 11, 2001. The original was served on the Chairman of Wall Street NYSE, and as you recall, it was shut down for three days.

  3. #3
    Interesting. Yes, 9/11 is 30 days from August 13th. I don't know much about Bills of Exchange, not enough to know if the two are related.

    Speaking of Ponzi schemes:
    The US government (specifically the ESF) is running a Ponzi scheme, and Ponzi schemes require two levels of deceptions: one aimed those who aren' t aware anything is wrong and one aimed those who know there is fraud.

    The Madoff Ponzi scheme illustrates this. ..

    Eric may take issue with those named culprits, but there's plenty of evidence showing fraud within government (hello, regulators?)

  4. #4

    the White Hats Report 7/5/2011

    Anyone can put up a blog and say anything they want; nevertheless, I find these reports intriguing. And notice the message and questions put to certain of our leaders (oppressors?).

    July 5, 2011 – White Hats Report #22

  5. #5

    White Hats Report #23 7/22/2011

    Progress Update: Murdoch News; Patriots send letter to US Treasury, Senate, House and Obama to save America; The Tropos Files.

    In White Hats Report #22, we spoke to the issues of a Bilderberg member interfering in the media exposure of the Bush and Ackerman stories in Germany and America. We told you the information was highly explosive and we also told you to “Expect much more on this”.

    When White Hat Report #22 came out the world was on the verge of tipping to one side or the other … the world was going to have to start to change or it was going to succumb. The arrogance of the Cabal was immense and running rampant. Now with our friend Rupert taking a tumble, the world is starting to change for the better and the Cabal is in deep shock and very quiet. Do they leave Rupert in the dust to survive or do they come into the light to help him out? We are seeing the World that can only take so much. We are seeing when the pimple is ready to pop it will distort the view for a bit of time but in the end the blemish will heal. You just need the ability to open the blemish up and air it out.

  6. #6

    Gold & Silver Money WILL Save OZ!

    This was Bix Weir's Friday Road Trip for 7/29/2011 now released to the public:
    ... In almost every instance where a true Gold Standard was tried and failed you will find the reason for Gold's failure was not that the Standard was flawed but rather that the true Gold Standard was diverted from or manipulated out of by those who had the power and desire to control the money. And each and every time the "New System" fails miserably and we return to a Gold Standard leaving non believers wailing at their misfortune of losing their life savings.

    Truthfully, there is no perfect money. Gold has it's flaws...


  7. #7

    White Hats report #26: Tropos exposure shifting the markets

    This one resonated because it shares Mr. Merrill's view that the US has already defaulted.

    While the current focus of the world is on the debt ceiling and possible default of the United States, the Tropos affair is becoming more and more widely known both in Washington and aboard. What is clear is that Tropos has already put the United States into a technical default by serving notice of default to the Bureau of Public Debt last July 5, 2010. The Bureau never repudiated the default and it stands in default now as a matter of law.

  8. #8
    I do think the end of the Keynesian experiment is upon us, that unbacked fiat currency is collapsing. Just as every fiat currency has throughout history. It's possible that a US debt downgrade could trigger that tsunami, although it's likely a lot of people have worked long and hard behind the scenes to collapse it. One proponent of such a scenario or theory is Bix Weir and this radio interview from July 31 is a good intro:
    fast forward to about 1:17 where he starts

  9. #9
    I would argue silver makes a better medium of exchange.

    The purpose of the gold standard was to vest power and control into a select group of people.
    Europe was on a de facto silver standard prior to the gold standard.
    China avoided most of the ravages of the Great Depression due to being on a silver standard.

  10. #10
    Well folks, if Thursday's big stock market drop didn't clue you in, Standard & Poors did Friday night. The thought of this arriving at Pottapauq the Quatloser's front door made me smile:

    Funny thing about a Quatloser though, their denial of reality won't let them see the handwriting on the wall. If you're not out of stocks & fiat paper yet, you're running out of time.

    And here's Poofness for AUG 7: The Great Finale
    Last edited by stoneFree; 08-08-11 at 02:21 AM.

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