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Thread: cabal v. karma

  1. #11
    Yes indeed. I have been having a gas there on Quatloos over PayPal's losing faith early, as demonstrated by insisting I show confidence in the Fed before they would invest any confidence in the good faith and credit of the US dollar on account with them. [They have $23.80 of mine they will not let me spend until they have my SSN and birth certificate information.]

    I noticed something - I don't think it applies to PayPal though:

    (1) The Government withdraws its consent given to anyone to assert against the Government, its agencies, or its officers, employees, or agents, a claim—

    (A) on a gold clause public debt obligation or interest on the obligation;
    (B) for United States coins or currency; or...

    Interestingly, I was hearing about this in church a couple years back.

    Guarding the Sanctuary on the Spiral.

    Last edited by David Merrill; 08-08-11 at 10:30 AM.

  2. #12
    Interesting find on gold clause public debt obligations & US coins/currency. "Withdraws its consent" eh? So the Govt does not agree to anyone asserting a claim against the Govt ... on a gold clause, et al (lawful money). Do we need their consent to assert a claim? Are they just admitting lawful money is outside the govt's purview?

    8/16/11: Clif High and Bix Weir on where we're headed:
    Last edited by stoneFree; 10-10-11 at 12:51 AM.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by stoneFree View Post
    Interesting find on gold clause public debt obligations & US coins/currency. "Withdraws its consent" eh? So the Govt does not agree to anyone asserting a claim against the Govt ... on a gold clause, et al (lawful money). Do we need their consent to assert a claim? Are they just admitting lawful money is outside the govt's purview?

    8/16/11: Cliff High and Bix Weir on where we're headed:
    If they are claiming its outside their purview, great !!

    Do it under private contract.

  4. #14
    Yes! Perhaps I should restate as:
    Are they just admitting lawful money is outside METRO govt's purview?

    And here is The White Hats Report #28:

  5. #15
    Here's last night's (8/27/11) Midnight Think Tank (MTT) conf call with T-Man who claims to be a White Hat.;1MjM4NDkw1

  6. #16
    That withdrawal of consent ought only be applicable to its own courts. Typically a 'sovereign' had to consent to being sued in its own courts. Doesn't stop you from suing them in some other court.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  7. #17
    Here is David Wilcock interviewing Benjamin Fulford on 9/14/11 - listen or read the transcript:
    Last edited by stoneFree; 09-17-11 at 05:59 PM.

  8. #18
    A new White Hats Report is out:

    .. In reality, we have been working with world leaders, numerous security agencies and the legitimate or clean guys in the banking industry to bring the Global Settlement to a conclusion. We have certainly seen the results of the Dark Cabal's work for nearly fifty plus years, the depth of the tentacles’ of the Bush Clan in all aspects of the banking industry. What is more interesting is the picture that is developing around the secret organizations that support the new version of the World War II German Reich. Seems like some of the old guard are still hanging around in very clandestine, quiet places and are at the helm of the banking Cabal including the Bush’s.

    This is an amazing world we are living in. Every American and every person in the free world should be stepping up to the plate and questioning every aspect of our representatives and their intentions. We support the total removal of incumbents from our leadership and a process for the thorough vetting of candidates on a state by state basis prior to their ability to hold office on a Federal basis. We no longer can have the extremely poor leadership that has been commonplace for these many past decades.

    America is the shining star of freedom in the world and we can no longer afford to elect the types of people that will be intimidated by or want to only cooperate for profit with the secret under body of the world. We need people that will put their lives on the line to root out the individuals and groups that have divisive plans to control the world through manipulation of the political process, the financial markets and the main stream media. It is up to the American public, our clean world leaders and the people of the world to literally force the tough questions and push the bastards out of office. It is up to the common folks to wake up and spread the word to their neighbors to show what 308 million Americans can do. We can report all day long, but if YOU won’t act or even question then it is all for naught and you will continue to suffer for your lack of action. We hope that YOU are not waiting for us to do all of the work. We do the heavy lifting, however many hands (minds and voices) will complete the task and improve the world we live in.

  9. #19
    Received the following in email today. Is everyone here ready? While I do use a (lawful money) bank account I generally keep less than 20 bucks in it, adding $ just before I need to pay something.

    Is Morgan Stanley The New Lehman Brothers?

    Banks collapse fast. It's the nature of the beast. Once the flood gates are opened everybody and their mother panics to get their money out of a bad bank and into a good one (if there are any). It took a matter of days from the first Lehman Bros. rumors to the total destruction of the entire company. So the latest rumors hitting the wire are that Morgan Stanley is on the ropes with their exposure to European banks. Here's an article that I'm sure MS wishes did not hit the mainstream media:

    Morgan Tries to Quell Rumors About It's Holdings

    Hopefully, all you precious metal holders remember one of the first revelations of silver and gold bankster manipulations when MS was busted for selling metal they did not have in storage but charged their clients for.

    If anyone still has money in gold/silver pooled accounts or certificates you can only blame yourself when you find out that there is no metal left when mass redemptions start. (Please don't send me emails claiming that Perth Mint metal certs are backed by the Western Australian gov't because they are just as broke as every other government. And the Kitco pooled accounts...PLEASE!).

    If you don't have metal in your own hand YOU DON'T OWN METAL!!!!

    Now is not the time to get cute with your investment. Keep it safe and secure in your own possession because the likelihood of a 3rd party surviving the coming crash is "LESS THAN ZERO"!

    Nobody knows the exact timing of the coming chaos but if you knew we were a matter of DAYS before all hell breaks loose would you do anything different?

    Read the checklist again and watch for "Scenario #3 to unfold...


    May the Road you choose be the Right Road

    Bix Weir

  10. #20

    Part IV - Conversations With God...about Gold and Silver!


    Bix: Hello God.

    God: Hello Bix. How are you dealing?

    Bix: I'm dealing OK. It's kinda hard to wrap my hands around the aftermath of the coming chaos but I guess I shouldn't sweat it too much.

    God: You are correct. Life is about living in the moment for the most part. This particular moment in time is very, very special as BIG changes means BIG opportunities to experience life at it's wildest, learn valuable lessons and understand or even prioritize those things that are most important to you.

    Bix: Are you suggesting that I may be putting too much priority in Gold and Silver?

    God: Not at all. Gold and Silver have opened many important doors in your evolution. They have awakened in you a much larger understanding of your world, how the past has evolved and solidified, how you want your future to be constructed.

    Bix: You are right. One of the HUGE lessons I've learned is that HONESTY is a very important trait of a great society. Without honesty human beings can never truly be free.

    God: Very good. And that can be applied to the current situation with your monetary system. The discoveries on your "Road to Roota", as you like to call it, are very profound.

    Bix: How do you mean?

    God: You have discovered the secret behind the global monetary conspiracy. That decades ago a group of good and honest people decided to secretly rig the free markets in order to prolong the un-backed fiat monetary system and destroy the strong hold of the global banking powers.

    Bix: Yes, but what good did it do? We are in total and complete chaos at the moment with everything in the financial world falling apart. That "global banking power" will surely try and seize the last of our freedoms when the crash hits. How could the original Road to Roota players like Alan Greenspan, Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan and Paul Volcker have gotten it so wrong?

    God: They weren't the only ones but remember what you said before... "HONESTY is a very important trait of a great society". No matter if their original intentions were altruistic in nature, a monetary system that can only thrive in the shadows and must be sustained by DISHONESTY cannot liberate a nation from the clutches of their corrupt rulers. Lies build upon lies until an evil hydra of deception is controlled by those who thrive in that environment.

    Bix: So they made a mistake in implementing the "On the Road to the Golden Age" economic model from the 1960's? Basically, that great economic model that Greenspan adopted so thoroughly...was wrong.

    God: You will find that a great many theories and models created in the Universities and think-tanks that look so promising on paper have adverse results when they are implemented in the "real world".

    Bix: I know. It's like the Behavioral Finance guys that President Obama hired to run his economic team. Larry Summers and Austan Goolsbee taught courses and wrote papers on the theory that if you PORTRAY to the world that the economy is strong then people will go out and spend thus making it strong. I keep thinking of that old saying "If you build it...they will come."

    God: But nothing was built. Lies and deception make very weak structural supports for a free and open society. The webs of lies are so pervasive in your economic and monetary world now there is only one way out.

    Bix: To crash it all. We should orchestrate a crash taking down the entire monetary system and declare all debt forgiven...right?

    God: No. You can not crash the system because no one person or group has enough power to speak for all the vested parties...which is EVERYONE on earth. The system will crash itself and leave nothing in it's wake.

    Bix: How's that possible?

    God: A better question is "How is that NOT possible?". Your electronic and paper monetary system is a GARGANTUAN MONSTER of both real and fake monetary instruments. These monetary instruments are valued in the QUINTILLIONS and are highly leveraged on FAITH.

    Bix: Faith? What do you mean by faith?

    God: Faith that you can get cash out of your bank. Faith that when you buy a stock your brokerage company actually purchases the shares on your behalf. Faith that countries and nations around the world TELL THE TRUTH about how much money they are creating. Faith in that the system you have grown up believing in is a reality and not a total and complete fraud.

    Bix: You mean all that is not true? I'd never thought about it quite that way. mean GOVERNMENTS are not reporting their true monetary positions to the rest of the world?

    God: Most people agree that government "reporting" is fabricated from unemployment numbers to inflation numbers to telling you "Green Shoots" are springing up in our economy. Why is it such a stretch for you to believe that the reported monetary creation figures are false as well.

    Bix: You mean things like the US debt ceiling debate and the M1, M2, M?? all a smoke and mirrors show?

    God: What's to stop them from creating UNLIMITED electronic forms of money and not tell anyone? They already told you that they would do ANYTHING to save the economy. Where is the line in the sand?

    Bix: This is unbelievable! I'd heard stories about random diplomats in the shadows trying to cash in multi-billion dollar US bonds and certificates but I guess I never thought it through.

    God: So think it through here and now.

    Bix: Ok. If I were trying to control the world the most important tool I'd need was control over money. In a way, money represents a place to store a person's past productive earnings in a society and a way to spend those productive earnings in the future. If you control the money you can change the value of an entire societies productive earnings. With increases in the supply of money you can, in effect, decrease the value of a person's past production. The production did not change but the future value of that production has. Money has that kind of power.

    God: Good. That's why a stable monetary system is so important in a free and honest society. It's all about what is fair. The value of a days work should not be diminished by those in the shadows who control the money. Money must be sound for a society to flourish. Now relate that to your monetary system today.

    Bix: What monetary system? We have bankers and governments creating money at will. It's so EASY now. We don't even need paper and ink. They can create trillions of dollars out of thin air with the stroke of a computer keyboard. The difference between $1B and $1T is a letter in the alphabet! Entered into a computer the difference is three 0's!

    God: Yes. And what are the controls in your system today?

    Bix: There are none. It should be inflation but the numbers released by the government are a complete lie. Nobody believes them anymore. Usually the prices of gold and silver would skyrocket but those are being controlled by computer programs. Then I guess it would be the holders of US debt would start dumping but the Federal Reserve owns the most US debt and they are the ones creating the money. I guess China could sell off their US debt but they like their weak currency because it creates jobs in China. They also like the control it gives them over the US. Gee, I really don't know if there is anything that controls the reigns of monetary debasement in an un-backed system.

    God: Good. So there are no controls on the amount of money that can be created in your current monetary system. How much money do you think is being created behind the scenes since there are no controls?

    Bix: I guess it is limitless! We already established that governments lie in their reporting so why do we believe they are telling the truth about how much money is being created?

    God: No controls + no truthful reporting + massive market manipulation = Limitless money creation

    Bix: Wow. So how does it all end?

    God: The same way it has always ended...Loss of FAITH.

    Bix: What do you mean?

    God: We have talked about the importance of a monetary system in an honest and great society. As money is a transitional instrument of a person's past production it must stay sound and strong until that person is ready to spend their past productive earnings. In order for a person to dedicate their time and energy in producing something they must have FAITH that they will receive FAIR VALUE for their efforts.

    Bix: So if people don't believe the money they receive for their work is of equal value then they will not work.

    God: Would you?

    Bix: I guess not. But I have to pay bills. I have to live and eat and provide for my family. I am too deeply invested in this monetary system for it to end.

    God: None of it will matter soon. It was all an illusion and now it is time for the people of the world to wake up. It is time to end the game of un-backed fiat money and start fresh. A new beginning. One ruled by honesty, open dealings and fairness.

    Bix: Sounds too good to be true...but it really does feel like the time.

    God: You have decided. This is what you choose.

    Bix: Ok. How about the big question? WHEN? I want a date. A deadline.

    God: Ha! You are choosing the date. This is your life. Your experience that you are creating. Why don't you tell me WHEN?

    Bix: Fine. I want this to start now and be done within 6 months. Wait...there's a few things I still need to do. How about in the next few weeks?

    God: I sense hesitation again? This is YOUR time table. You decide.

    Bix: FINE! Next week. What do you have to say about that?
    Last edited by JohnnyCash; 11-04-11 at 12:28 AM. Reason: add link

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