I just received my RFID Experimenter's Kit from Edmund Scientifics. Interestingly, they also sent a bill for the same amount payable in 30 days. ES would not have sent the item on credit to begin with so I began to think imaginatively about this.

They want me to contest the bill, thus validating the Billing Information. I do not live at the address they sent the bill and the item to. I have no billing information, just a shipping address. They can call the shipping address the billing address for all I care; however I will not validate the information for them.

Bills of Indictment are founded upon Information.


Billing Information.

You might read this into an ongoing saga about Debit Cards and PayPal Loses Faith. Edmund Scientifics, having no faith in the US dollars I sent by Money Order is hoping to connect me to the replacement for gold in the exchange rate (1976) - SDRs - hoping for me to endorse private credit from the Fed, even though the transaction was already paid for completely for them to ship me my product.

Good food for discussion I hope. I just bought a $150 Gift Card that was activated at the counter, and hope to add that to my PayPal Account to free up the $23.80 and buy my stainless steel wallet (RFID Proof) from eBay...

But that may be another thread yet!


David Merrill.