I would like to first off thank this wonderful group of minds whose regular exchange has been to my ongoing benefit in the quest for wisdom,knowledge, and right judgment.

Secondly, I have been redeeming lawful money for approx. 6 months. No troubles with the bank, both "cashing" and "depositing" instruments, carefully and with the appropriate restricted endorsement. The minor trouble is arising from my place of exchange ("work"). I am being classified by the kind and very open minded folks at this location as a statutory employee, though they have my declaration of status/intent on file. I formerly attempted to negotiate, for the simplest of terms, due to their use of private credit and its taxation, to be classified for their benefit as an "independent contractor". Not my will or intent, but for their benefit of course. They have since been "advised",that I am most certainly an employee and should be classified as such and therefore they requested of me a W-4, which I correctly filled out and returned to them, utilizing the exemption per 12 usc 411. To date there is no problem, but a few weeks ago they requested a meeting with me where they expressed their concern for "my position" regarding "income taxes". They are not refusing the W-4 as of yet but they are requesting that I research and present to them what I perceive THEIR liabilities are should they continue to honor my claim of exemption per 12 USC 411. They are very concerned that the IRS, in the event of any controversy, will hold them liable for all "taxes". I have explained and presented to them thoroughly and in detail the remedy and function of 12 USC 411 and its alternative, private credit/FRN with fractional reserve lending and interest/usury/taxation.

So I submit my story here to request, a sort of "what would you do if you were me?", in hopes of gleaning knowledge/tools for use in smoothing my relationship with those at the location I exchange time for credit(lawful money) with. I respectfully appreciate and thank all in advance for their replies/thoughts.

Paul Thomas