Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
The main drawback of course is when the officer shows up and the judge proceeds. It may be that appearing by affidavit can be construed as failure to appear depending on the judge's mood about Sovereign Citizens.
I tried this approach with those tickets I had posted about earlier and it shut them up for a bit but now it looks like this is the approach they are trying. I failed to appear so blah blah blah pay the tickets by 10-17 with a $10 increase or we will suspend your license issue a warrant yada yada yada. The fact that the new notices I received don't have ANY presiding judges name on it and just basically says "tickets were filed with this court charging you with the above listed offenses" sounds to me like they don't quite know what to make of my dishonor of the officers presentment and are treading somewhat lightly around me while still trying to impose authority over the matter. Doesn't help that I am in New Jersey, one of the bastions of statutory tyranny.