So does our Conscious Entity possess a tool for use, such as a "conscience"? It is talked about from the Book of Law. It is in every Law, and Ideology. Could it be that the Conscience is the Law of Self? The tool provided within Conscious Entities to Judge oneself by and for?

I think so. I think it is the only valid Authority of Judgment of Self that the Beneficiary has. And it can only be applied to self. We are not imbued with any Authority other than the Conscience. And this Authority of our Consciousness can only be used and applied directly to our own Entity as Conscious Entities inhabiting the inheritance as Beneficiaries upon and in Earthen vessels, as we fulfill the Contract that was Willed to us by the Creator True Trust.

Any other Conscious Entity using either their Consciousness or Conscience to demand our performance to such is a "Trespass on Inheritance". Its null and void. An Idol. Dressed up to look like something, but having no inherit Power or Authority in the realm of the Creators Estate.