Yeah, that Cash Cow is nice and fat, and it also appears ready for slaughter, and the meat divided up. I understand your argument, and actually see nothing wrong with it. It is a prudent argument for the sake of living a relatively normal life. So that we can go home in Peace to our Families. My endeavor is something different in Nature on this thread however. Cutting the branches of evil does not take care of the root so that the branches dont have to be cut every day. I am also looking for a practical application in Philosophy. An application that will end the limb cutting, and strike the root.

I presume as well that our circumstances in life will dictate the approach that will take in our endeavors for remedy. I have no children, have no wife, and live in poverty by my own choice. I grow my own food, hunt my own meat, and am already living on the land of my own self sufficiency. Not everyone has the circumstances in life to approach these issues the way I have. I understand that, and find no fault with any other approach.

I am looking for remedy in which suits my circumstances. The remedy I am formulating suits my circumstances. That of which is made stronger by observing other People using their own remedies. It helps me to cast out the methods in which have no meaning to my circumstances, and continue on a narrow path to my goals and objectives. I use Philosophy in order to do this, because my method is Testimony from my Being. I cannot in truth say that I Believe in something, that in which I have believed in by taking in from another.

The objective is rather impossible in a way, and rather not in another way. But, in our own ways we are all Scientist in these endeavors, and must test and apply that which we find to work and not work in our own circumstances. Peer review is nice, but it did not do Justice for Tesla, or many others either, because greed of covetousness still was in operation of his, and their, peers.

Anyway, I have taken the Liberty over the last few days to engage myself here because I have not been busy. The 22nd was the Equinox, and I need to plant many things today, and this weekend. My busy Period is starting for winter. I need to get to work.