Quote Originally Posted by jesse james View Post
Hope this helps
Would you add the IRC definition of the term "income" as well?
Not sure what you mean by this!
What I mean is that if the IRC defines who has to pay income tax, then surely it defines what exactly is "income", because it's obviously not all that comes in.

Are you saying that the 14th Amendment makes US citizens automatically subject to any private law, such as title 26, of any private entity, such as the privately owned international banking cartel that is known as the Federal Reserve Bank, whose private collection agency is known as the Internal Revenue Service?
Nope, I'm saying the 14th introduces a voluntary jurisdictional citizenship. Title 26 isnt private law, who told you that? Title 26 also allows for the collection of Constitutional tariffs and such.
The IRS is the collection agency of the US Treasury, not the federal reserve. Again question who is telling you these things. I'd stop listening to who ever youare listening to and do your own dilligent study.
In this case I was listening to the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF IDAHO, which is why I also included the source document:
see page 2, where I highlighted it for convenience.
Are you saying that the United States of America, through undersigned counsel lied in the cognizance of a United States District Court?

The reason I think that title 26 must be private law is because it was never enacted as positive law.
So how can it be a law of the United States of America?

Please see the SS5 form. Its signed under penalty of perjury of being a "US citizen". You signed the back of the ssn card dont you? And you used the number didnt you?
Your account is active correct?...........then you somewhere or somehow told the US government.......not the federal reserve you wish to be treated as a US citizen.
If admitting to being a US citizen amounts to becoming a voluntary slave, then it is only so by guile and deceit. At no point in history were the American people ever alerted to the fact that participation in Social Security is akin to slavery, because it converts a free man or woman into a debt slave without any constitutionally protected rights.
If Social Security is a contract in which the participants agree to waive all their unalienable rights, then somewhere there must be a disclosure of this fact. Otherwise, there is no meeting of the minds, and therefore no contract.

Can you point out where and when the American people were officially informed of the fact that voluntarily admitting to being a US citizen will make one a subject of an extra-constitutional statutory dictatorship?

Thank you for your time jesse james.