Quote Originally Posted by jesse james View Post
Did you happen to notice that the "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" is preestablished by the Constitution and not by Congress?
Congress doesnt have that authority to make subjects...............the people do through their Trust called the Constitution.
Congress references the Constitution as the authority.

Anyone here notice the only condition to being a "US citizen"?
Notice in section 1 of the 14th amendment the comma after United States.

You can be born and naturalized all day long, but you have to be subject to the jurisdiction thereof before becoming a US citizen.
Now ask yourself..............why do they ask for your permission all the time.......like signing a W4 agreement or SS5.
Why a W4 before the start of every new job?
Because you have to submit to being a lower class of citizen where congress has jurisdiction to tax and regulate you.

A State citizen is the People above their created government.
A "US citizen" is a subject.
Predate, man before a citizen, Gen 1:26. Person being an after thought. Who helped in the creation of the person for their benefit?