Plus one for you, fishnet! A good disinfo agent will often mix-in a good amount of truth, just as our bank-auditor-cpa-turned-tax-attorney does here. Does it matter to the SSA/IRS how the employee signs the W4? Probably not. Employees Forms W4 sat in a cabinet never seen by anyone but company owner & the bookkeeper. Company did send employee earning amounts to the SSA which likely DID create the presumption of statutory wages. Company made the decision to withhold, to create presumption, to help enslave them. Based on what? The opinions of CPA/attorneys like jesse james.

But, the worker still has the right to be heard. Were the reported earnings really "wages?" Did the worker endorse private credit or redeem lawful money?

And yes, I recall the case of the employer who paid employees in gold. What you neglected to mention: the gold was purchased with unredeemed debt notes of the Federal Reserve. Therefore, US Treasury carried first lien. Company owner didn't have highest title to the gold.