Hello everyone,

I was a member of SJC since March/April 2010. After the 503 exception error ordeal with SJC, I was able to locate Freemen Forum (thank you grndslam), and now this forum.

The SJC forum added greatly to my knowledge and comprehension of the nature and structure of the world around us, and I am sure that this forum will help to fill that void. So....David Merrill, and all others involved with starting this forum, thank you very much.

Since I tend to be a student in these matters, I try and follow the two ears - one mouth approach. By that I mean I won't be posting a very often. When I do post I try and find events from everyday life that relate to the topics, either from my personal experience or something in the media. Once you become aware of a idea it is amazing how you see it where you didn't notice it prior. Kind of like when you get a new car, then you start noticing how many cars just like it are on the road. Where you didn't notice them before. They were there, in plain view, you just were not aware of them.

Again, David Merrill & friends thanks you for starting this forum and helping to fill the void.
