Quote Originally Posted by osbogosley View Post
I never filled out a census. I have a license. I don't use it though. I don't conduct business when I use my truck.
I'm native to this planet. I know the county judge personally and I really am interested in finding out from them how it is that I am a citizen of "this state" whatever that means.
I heard on an audio that a supreme court judge ruled that the attaching of the surname to the name creates a person that may act in commerce.
The jury duty notice came in the name of the person. I am choosing not to use that ability to act for the name as it is attached.
My mom called me laurence david, the colb came to me with the surname attached and I was taught to act in commerce all the time. Now I'm trying to stay out of that commerce citizen roll. I'm looking at the way they word offers, isn't everything contract. There needs to be a fresh meeting of minds for me to enter their court.

You have a license. That is how the jury commissioner acquired Information and you are indicted as a debtor/US citizen. My advisements are designed so that you do not wind up in jail for contempt of court. Please keep in mind that the advisements come from a man who has no bank account, Social Security Number or licenses of any kind. So my advice is somewhat skewed considering your confession.

To correct you about your name a little, your name is Laurence David. That is the first outward expression of identity for the individual expression of God I am communicating with. It is nice to meet you Laurence David. If you could cite that SC opinion I dearly want that. I have been saying the same based in most law dictionary definitions:

Any arguments you want to present to the jury commissioner or magistrate on duty about commerce... well, I hope you take an audio recorder and share that with us here afterward.