I just received a letter from the IRS saying that they changed my account and that I owe more money, and if agree please send money....how nice.

They are claiming that I did not file....that is a lie and I have the registered mail receipts to prove it and copies of the return. So, they have basically thrown out my original return and created one of their own, without my signature or consent. There is no authority that permits this. I have responded before with copies of the mail receipts and copies of the original return....proof that I had filed. They sent out another notice saying I owe more, I responded with an "objection and proof of claim letter" and gave them 30 days to respond which was a month ago ..... silence. So they have defaulted.

Their only response was to send another notice.... Can I use RFC now? They will not listen or answer any demands for proof of liability or claim and they never answered my questions, so I don't even have any proof from them that they are actually who they say they are.

Funny too, the Notice is dated OCT 22,2012, but I received it on the 14th!?

I am thinking I should file a copy of my "demand letter" along with a RFC letter and RFC across the notice with the county clerk and send copies. Any help is gratefully appreciated.