There is truly nothing new under the sun.

During the dark ages of Papal Rome, the thriving sales of so-called Indulgences, among numerous other rackets, enabled the Church of Rome to become the most powerful and influential religio-political tyrant on the planet.
Students of history will remember that the sale of Indulgences was one of the reasons for the Protestant Reformation.

Now Indulgences are back, not only for Catholics but especially for secular humanists of the "post-Christian" era.
As in the Dark Ages, the modern Pope is condemning sin and peddling absolution, for a fee.
Pope Al Gore that is, and Maurice Strong, the new Tetzel of Indulgence peddlers.

Investopedia of the worshipful church of Mammon explains how the scheme works.
Did you or your company sin against Gaia? No problem, just repent and buy an Indulgence to fit your particular needs.
The British Parliament, under deep conviction of the collective sin of its subjects, is seeking to implement a nationwide system of access to the new Indulgences for its citizens.

The international Indulgences market is booming and consciences everywhere are being eased by it.
Of course there are some abuses, but that's to be expected in the fast-paced world of Indulgences sales, and a reformation coupled with the news of martyrs may eventually rectify the worst abuses.

Meanwhile, Pope Al Gore, a man of environmental sin himself, is benefiting handsomely from the brisk Indulgences sales, because he gets to pay himself for his own sins.