Quote Originally Posted by Hbert997 View Post
You're right, "Je-Zeus/Jesus" is not correct at all! I mean, imagine this happening...here he is, the Messiah, he was a Talit-wearing, Torah observant, feast & Sabbath-keeping Netzarim Jew coming by direct Jewish lineage from the line of King David (a Jew)...through both his mother AND his adoptive earthly father (both Jews), and yet somehow we're to believe that when the Angel appeared to both Miriam and Yoseph...that they were to call him by a GREEK NAME??? JESUS/JE-ZEUS??? Uhhhhhh, no. And do you think ANY angel is going to call His name "Jesus/Je-Zeus"? Uh, no again. And do you believe that has EVER happened? Nope/nada/never!

The Greek translators had every ability, even phonetically, within their language to translate (or transliterate) the name The Mashiyach heard all of his life...Y'shua/Yahshua/Yehshua...which in the original Aramaic is YHWH is Salvation. Not only did they get it wrong, they did it on purpose along with many other things too.

For instance, count up the generations listed in Matthew chapter 1:17 from the time of the Babylonian captivity to Y'shua in the KJV, or any other Greek translated bible such as the NIV, ESV, ASV, Douay Rheims, Holman, Wycliffe, Geneva, etc. The generations only add up only to 13. Oops, did Matthew make a mathematical error?

At one time in my life I was all for the "Authorized" Version of the King James Bible...because that is what I was taught to believe (along with Christmas, Easter and other christo-pagan holidays...but that's for another topic) after I saw the major discrepancies between that and the Wescott & Hort versions of their Greek translations...over 5600 changes or so. However, there is a problem with all of this...Greek never was the original language of the Renewed Covenant writings to begin with.

What language did our Messiah and his talmidim (disciples) speak? What did Matthew write his gospel in? What language did Rav Shaul (Apostle Paul) speak and write in? All of them wrote and/or spoke Aramaic. Not Greek. And there is now beautiful proof of this fact. Please see: http://www.aent.org/

And by the way, the mathematical problem in the Greek Matthew elegantly goes away in the original Aramaic. See: http://www.tushiyah.org/TheGowra.pdf And where there are major problems with the harmony of the original Hebrew Tanakh (Torah, Prophets & Writings) and the Greek New Testament translations...those all go away in the original Aramaic New Testament writings as well.

YHWH our Elohim DID preserve His Word just like He promised...however, it wasn't in the way we have always been led to believe. See: http://aramaicnttruth.org/downloads/...E%20BASICS.pdf

And a further in-depth analysis of what came first, Greek or Aramaic: http://www.aramaicpeshitta.com/Was%2...ition%201a.pdf


Thank you for the links Hbert997.
I finally had some time to look at those websites.

It's great that there are so many awesome and free resources for studying the Word of God now.
The knowledge shall indeed be increased!

Funny thing is, even though in my atheist/secular humanist upbringing and schooling I was taught that the Bible is pure fairy-tales and folklore, I was also taught that Jesus and His disciples, if indeed they had existed, would have spoken and written Hebrew or Aramaic and that the Greek NT was a translation.

Having grown up in Europe, surrounded by different languages, I'm used to translations and they don't bother me, as long as they are good ones.
Part of my family speaks modern day Hebrew, others speak German, others English. My family often spent summers in Italy when I was a kid. I have learned and forgotten several languages in my lifetime already.

Since I've been confronted with such a hodge-podge of languages in my life, I don't sweat the details.
I'm just happy if I can communicate at all.

I wonder what the language in heaven will be like?