as david merrill has said:
"The magic of law is how you cast the spell - it is in the spelling."

i like that line,

everyone is born free,
to re-gain that position again we must reverse what we did,
walk backwards to the beginning,

if you get lost in a field full of snow the easiest way to get back is follow your foot steps,
eventually you will get back to the start, where you came from,

the bc was never meant to be used as id,
yet what did we do?
we went ahead and used it,
departmental use only,
we use it, we become part of the department,

if a trust was created for you as a beneficiary does the trustee or any party to the trust have to inform you that there was a trust created for you?

a rich auntie that you never seen or even knew off has no other living relatives but you, so she puts your name you use on a trust so when she dies you inherit her estate, does she have an obligation to inform you that she has done this?

if we are using the government NAME, then what are they using that belongs to us?

would you be a witness to this usufract?
witness protection = immunity