Quote Originally Posted by Freed Gerdes View Post
I should have also responded to your next comment concerning 'losing' your SSN. The SSA admits that if you change your SS citizenship status, they will issue you a new card, with the same number. But, the Resident Alien status leaves you outside the Federal government jurisdiction; it is a corporation created by Congress, and it has exclusive jurisdiction only inside Washington, DC. By filing as a US Citizen you unwittingly claim residency in DC, and 'voluntarily' submit to their jurisdiction. When you change status, you are no longer under their jurisdiction, and the IRS no longer can count on you to support the debt they were created to fund. The corporate entity they created for you still exists, but it is no longer liable for the debt.

Freed Gerdes
Do you know this because you have tried this out yourself?

I'm asking because I have been wanting to get a first hand account from a SEDM member on how this worked for them ever since I first came across the SEDM material.

As for the resident alien status, I have some experience with that.
I'm German and I once had a so-called "green card" and a SSA card with a SSN, which said "resident alien" on it (late 80s, early 90s time frame). I was required to file income tax returns and I would have had to pay income tax if I had not been a poor college student without income to speak of.