An interesting perspective, which I find favor with, is that, as most of us may know, we are NOT our bodies. The body is soil, of the earth, and everything of the earth was created by and is ultimately owned by the universal and Supreme Sovereign, Yehovah Elohim. We are spirits inhabiting the body and the earth as sojourners. When our bodies return to the soil, we still exist.

He granted us dominion over the earth, namely and foremost, our bodies. We also have dominion over our chosen and certain realm on earth (piece of land) by God's grace and generousity. We have exclusive and beneficial use over these dominions absent the claimed jurisdiction or authority of any man.

The body is essentially our Nation State; State = self-governing, and, Nation = to be born. Each of our bodies is our own sovereign nation state landed upon the soil commonly known as ?America?. We (our bodies) are essentially a state among the others which have been already declared. The other states are made up of people where as we are of our own nation.

Modern society and the custodial governments have created a system whereby those who will choose to self-govern have the authority, and inherent right, to administer their estates according to their own free will. The registration of the event of live birth places that authority over one?s estate unto the control, wardship and administration of said custodial government until such time as the heir shall come forth to redeem and make proper claim. Most do not ever attempt to accomplish this. Therefore the usufruct of one?s estate is with the government since it is the government which draws the profit, utility and advantage as we see in every day life. Those who live the conventional and conditioned life are held to the fiduciary ?energy-giver? role whereby one?s substance is harvested by the registered custodians and used for the purpose of collecting upon each of our own self-indictments ? the monetization of sin.

The creation of the FIRST MIDDLE LAST trust/estate is, in my opinion, not for the benefit of the creating State nor is it the State?s property; it does have the liability for it since it is created by NECESSITY (by it?s own doing) in order for people to be able to gain the essentials and necessities of life in this day and age since control of all aspects of modern life is with the government. The system exists by design and there is always a choice; trust in it or take control over it. That is why remedy is ALWAYS written into all of man?s created laws because God commands that there be a way out for those who trust in Him rather than the system.

Therefore, I believe that the FIRST MIDDLE LAST estate is our own private property if we redeem and declare it so. It was created by the State for our sole charitable benefit out of the necessity created by its own doing. The LAST or Family name existed long before the creation of the United States of America. The Family estate name may have been seen or used as a Title in the past through greed or ignorance; I see it as our dominium and birthright whereby we claim the Divinely granted inheritance and exercise our sovereign authority of our own bodies here on earth while recognizing that the only One who has higher claim and authority over it is Almighty God Himself. No man on earth can claim higher rights to our own bodies (landed estates) then we.