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Thread: Historical Priestcraft - Monetizing Sin - Oath-mongering

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  1. #9
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    The basic structure of administering law in America was designed in the Judiciary Act of 1789. By creating the Districts overlayed on the States the Judiciary Act styled - city of Washington, District of Columbia. The city is the municipal jurisdiction same as METRO organization.

    Here in Colorado it remains quite evident and housed with the county courts are the district courts. El Paso county and Teller county are Combined Courts - The Fourth Judicial District. The priesthood of judicial administration is still housed in the 'cities and their suburbs' as originally found at I Chronicles 6.

    When Jere headed North to Detroit and left Reho back home in Alabama, the Levites with Jere were living off of the tithes and therefore they were receiving an income MUCH higher than the other tribes. Now Jere was interested in keeping his new found power - NOT OF INHERITANCE - made by appointment. So Jere went about the work of setting up idols and changing the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday. By the way notice these are the TWO test commandments - the latter having a perpetual covenant - a Sign between God and His People.

    If one keeps Sunday one is obeying a false god and to whom one obeys to that one is one in submission. But back to the Levites. Jere was very interested in keeping his power so he made it impossible for any self respecting Levite to stay associated with the Ten Tribes - including Ephraim and Manasseh. Therefore since Jere setup false idols and LED the people into apostasy - what is new under the sun? - the Levites left town fast and headed South to Alabama [actually Jerusalem- I jest].

    Therefore the Levites joined up with Judah and Benjamin [see that Judah stood surety for Benjamin in the Egyptian affair] and the THREE tribes Levi, Judah and Benjamin make up the Kingdom of Judah or you might say the House of Judah.

    However the birthright was given to Israel - specifically Joseph's sons = Ephraim and Manasseh. And currently due to the commission of Jeremiah the Throne that was called David's Throne [Actually the Eternal called it His Throne] which used to be in Jerusalem is currently possessed in Israel but one OF Judah sits upon it.

    Now Consider that while Judah [3 tribes] are of Jacob, Judah is NOT of Israel. The Jews are ONLY a small subset of Jacob and while the masses confuse the Jews with Israel they are WRONG. In fact most of Jacob is NOT Israel - only Ephraim and Manasseh. The Birthright tribes. Notice that 7 * 360 = 2520 as in years. See Leviticus 26. And notice that in or around 1803+/- the two fledgling nations one a single nation and the other a multitude of nations - began to rise in awesome strength. Said rise was not due to anything THEY did, because mostly Israel is still in Apostasy and Rebellion against the Most High - the rise was due to a promise that Yehovah made to Abraham.

    Just as Yehovah protected and supported His chosen people out of Egypt - today if you will hear his voice. Mankind in a sense is an INSTRUMENTALITY of God to effect His Will in the Earth. Now if you oppose God's Will in Rebellion to your Creator, then you might read Deuteronomy 27 and 28. Also Isaiah 1.


    Now regarding the Administration of a State - the Settlors of the State are Sovereign to its creation. Notice also that the Settlors are SURETY for their creation. Notice "We the People" pledged their private estates as surety for a failing system "The United States of America" - but notice that TUSofA was a PERPETUAL COVENANT. Know ye not that the debtor is slave to the lender?

    Do you trust me? I have no trust in you.

    Joh 2:16 And said unto them that sold doves, "Take these things hence; make not My Father's house an house of merchandise."

    Joh 2:24 But Jesus [for His part] did not trust Himself unto them, because He Himself knew all men,

    Joh 2:20 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this Sanctuary in building, and wilt Thou raise it up in three days?

    Joh 2:21 But He was speaking concerning the temple of His body.

    Pray tell how many Chromosomes are in each cell? 46 right? Separation of Church and State - HARDLY - that would be Rebellion AGAINST Yehovah.


    When will men realize their fantastic BREACH of TRUST and return to THE WAY [psalm 119]? I believe it was LINCOLN who upon realizing that America [Americans = Manasseh] was in deep trouble called for a NATIONAL time of FASTING AND PRAYER AND REPENTANCE.

    Today things are MUCH worse and Yehovah will NOT be mocked. Just as Israel was once slaves in Egypt - again Israel [Ephraim and Manasseh] Britain and United States - find themselves slaves to debt. But unless Israel returns in mass to The Way of God and leaves off their Idolatry and Rebellion taught to them by Jeroboam [Jere] they are doomed to the same end.

    To the confused reader - I write NOT about the STATE OF ISRAEL - that is the House of Judah and of course the BAD FIG [another teaching for another day] - I write concerning Ephraim and Manasseh. Money being a medium of exchange based on mutual promises as Consideration - which is to say Money can and most often does form a Nexus of Contract - I will do a thing for you EITHER FOR MUTUAL PROMISES OR IN CONVERSION - MONEY. That is to say Contract may encompass Trust Agreement but Trust Agreement may not include Contract. However, try as I may I cannot seem to find MY Signature upon a Note.

    Attorney's are fun - just like most everybody else they only know what they know - we deal with the Individual and not a Class. If one is blind who cares about his fancy title. Most likely it is just a license - which begs a Higher Power.

    But I know that The Earth is held in USUFRUCT for ALL of the Living. And while Adam OBEYED a different lawgiver and therefore submitted under that Administration - his deed was binding upon his heirs - but we are EACH given Choice - therefore Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve. Yet now ALL THINGS are placed UNDER the feet of Yehoshuah Messiah. Which is to say Yehovah Saves. ALL THINGS friend - there is FREEDOM in Yehoshuah. And the children of the King are free.

    Finally ONE Son Qualified - Matthew 4 - and therefore the Good News friend is that the Kingdom of God is near! Yet do not be confused, Aw-dawm or you could say Adam's kind is mostly still subject to Satan, as god. Save a few - elected of God = called ones. And to whom he did predestinate he did prejustify - therefore WHO SHALL LAY ANY CHARGE UPON GOD'S ELECT?

    Just because one is a practicing lawyer [attorner] does not mean one is with knowledge - like most trained in submission - they are just going thru the procedures. Why, the majority couldn't be wrong could they?

    Joh 2:24 But Jesus [for His part] did not trust Himself unto them, because He Himself knew all men,

    One thing attorner's know is Trust - therefore "do you trust me"? Why?


    For no son of Adam will have all dominion in himself - until the Son of The Man who is the Son of God comes - who is the Root [ I AM ] and the Offspring of David - therefore it is His Right - which begs a Kingdom, which begs a Government which begs a Ruler, which begs a Settlor. And yet the masses lift up the little horn with the cry of PEACE and the hope that "human nature" will solve their problems - FALSE HOPE. They are as a prostitute who pays her lovers.

    And He who placed all things UNDER His feet by necessity is exempted. People wonder whereof come the Laws of Nations. That is about to make this writer Laugh out loud. But Nimrod began to be mighty and a People began to place their trust in him. And some drawn to power seized on the Legal nature of the Trust effected.

    However I can see that the Contract while it is Lawful may NOT be Legal - therefore what is illegal except not-legal. And what is legal except that there exists a Grantor, Trustee and Beneficiary and perhaps a Director which is most times in the Beneficiary - but not always.

    Pray tell do you read that the Sovereignty of Yehoshuah is shared with the Subjects - even though they are One body? No! A subject must be CLOTHED in Royalty by a GRANT by the Sovereign. Regarding men's Estates - WHERE DO YOU PLACE YOUR TRUST? Yet those who Overcome in Yehoshuah are no longer called Subject - by Grant - they are called "My Friends".

    Who is this who says the Law is no more? For what Kingdom is absent a government? And what government is absent a Law? Therefore "The Law" begs a Lawgiver, and one who will make a USE of said Law. One making a USE of said Law is then made Subject to the Lawgiver - but before the Attorners go and get all giddy - ALL THINGS were placed UNDER the feet of Yehoshuah.

    Argue with me and give me your Trust - else "I have no trust in you" - go away boy, you bother me. For if you argue with me, then answer me this, WHY? Do you submit to me as a man of authority? Or are you rebellious in nature? If you don't consent - then say so - but your argument is a witness against you. Do you esteem me to be with power over you? Or can you walk on water?

    I claim the precious blood of Yehoshuah, my Redeemer in the name of Yehoshuah ben Yehovah, I am michael joseph a redeemed Son of Yehovah in Yehoshuah of the Tribes of Yisrael (Jacob) and I now set my hand to this expression by my free will act with full liability concerning my dominions under my Redeemer, Yehoshuah and absent intent to trespass, but to live in peace with my neighbors:

    Michael Joseph
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 10-25-12 at 01:09 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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