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Thread: Historical Priestcraft - Monetizing Sin - Oath-mongering

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  1. #1
    Moving on then, the constitutions and constitution of constitutions all seem to be pointing toward the responsible self-governance of the man and his family within his own dominions. Like Jesus said there is no redaction of the Law but he did summarize the Ten Commandments eloquently:

    Love the LORD thy God with all thine heart (the first Five) and love your neighbor as yourself (the second Five).

    So I was sitting in ACIM class this morning and this is usually a period of my week with rapid revelation. The fellow on my left was making a comment and it hit me - If you want to experience forgiveness - like the $11K of forgiveness I just witnessed - simply experience forgiveness. Drop the baggage of cause and effect so that you don't have to wait for it. By experiencing forgiveness you project it and the universe takes your order. - Takes on your order - becomes like your order and only beings of like order can communicate and so communication is synonymous with creating and you will create the forgiveness!

    Own your buttons.

    That one came out of my mouth. I think I will start accepting orders for T-shirts.

    Fear-based teachings condition politically correct sociopaths.

    I was on a roll. That means people who know law enough to muddle through life without ending up in jail very much but do not obey laws out of a moral aptitude and understanding of Jesus' summary of the Ten Commands. They do not feel the law a coherent expression of loving themselves unconditionally so that they can love their neighbors like they love themselves, unconditionally. - Like they love God, unconditionally as God has only been Love.

    Sometimes I think I have a head start having written out the Laws of Moses in paleo-Hebrew and translated them back to English.

    So as we step outside our homes our control over environment diminishes quickly. Many of us step outside into municipal jurisdiction. In studying New York I discovered some things and I will save the Constitution ratification until later. What I discovered though is that when a home rule City of XXXXX/METRO sprawls out to the county boundaries, like the Five Boroughs as the world's model METRO, then the electorate changes character from state/county to municipal. That has happened to Denver County too. So this mental model works in so many ways!

    Most of us step out of our homes into a world of global municipal policy where the Information Highway has progressed with the ability to travel anywhere within hours has made it possible to be anywhere and know basically what the law is. Where they practice any other religion than METRO we have strife.

    We become angry (fearful). So about three targets bashed I realized what a fearful healer I truly am. We bashed the AMA/FDA for commercializing cancer instead of curing it. Then we started bashing the Christians for so much fear-based teachings and even moved on the combinatorics of the political statisticians; all of us delighting all the way at what artful jabs we were delivering to the world with our egos loving every minute of it! Then it struck me how I was converting my fears into the pleasure of feeling so superior and enlightened...

    I grew a lot this morning.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-28-12 at 12:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Wow, thanks for sharing that. Own your buttons. I like it.

  3. #3
    I know! Try saying it to a friend.

    The fellow on my right said something deep about how we cannot be hurt by anybody, being a victim is only a matter of how we react to that person. There may be intention to harm but it is never their fault - the damage incurred. It was all how you were set up.

    Something like that. Eloquent.

    The woman across the table was as enthralled with how he put it as everybody. She asked him to repeat it and he really could'nt because he was not thinking about it as he said it. So I blurted: All I heard was, Own your buttons! It was a good laugh!
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-28-12 at 01:10 AM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    The Son of [The] Man was not a victim but he freely - out of love - laid down his life as a WILLING Sacrifice as Ransom for a World held Captive. He overcame NOT in His Death but in His Life - in his Life Experience. He was tempted but he did not disobey The Word of God - which is to say He was TRUE to Himself.

    There is so much to say about Melchizedok - said priesthood is only for one who can eat at strong meat. One who can pass thru the 2nd veil. One with the knowledge of the Churibim and the Seraphim and more specifically the Ark.

    I shall attend to this thread with great interest but for now MEDITATE on this one - and you might see the Separation of Spirit from Matter: A terrible Crystal:

    Gen 1:7 And God made the expanse, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

    Now is the time for Atonement or Atunement with God - it may be that one who has Repented may escape the Plagues coming upon America - and they come fast now. - Leviticus 26. For the 2520 year period is OVER and Yehovah kept His Word to Abraham but there is NOTHING in His Word that says He will continue to bless Israel [America and Britian] in the days to come - Unless we Nationally RETURN to The Way - plagues will be poured out 7 fold and then 7 fold and then 7 fold - culminating in Slavery in a foreign land and the enemy upon these lands. Leviticus 26.

    As I said Today is the day if you will hear his voice. The Melchizedok Priest may take of the Water from the Well of Beersheba. Give Him the Inkhorn for many things will be written issuing NOT from a pastor or teacher or evangelizer - but as the Eternal has said "I will pour out my Spirit upon all Flesh and MY sons and MY daughters shall prophecy.

    Knowledge is exploding and those in the Outer Court are naturally prohibiting those who desire to enter upon the Inner and those in the Inner Court who are moving toward the Holy of Holies are being prohibited - For the Philistines have stopped up the Well - Therefore did Abraham make a Covenant with Abimilech - and as Purchase he set forth 7 Ewe Lambs - as a witness = Wisdom or Seven Spirits of God. And Abimelech ACKNOWLEDGING that God was with Abraham walked in Peace with him - whereby said peace was established in an Oath - He Seven[ed] Himself.

    But now I have gone too far because there is a lack of foundation which must be laid if there is to be understanding. Thank you for this thread I look forward to its development.

    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    The Son of [The] Man was not a victim but he freely - out of love - laid down his life as a WILLING Sacrifice as Ransom for a World held Captive. He overcame NOT in His Death but in His Life - in his Life Experience. He was tempted but he did not disobey The Word of God - which is to say He was TRUE to Himself.

    There is so much to say about Melchizedok - said priesthood is only for one who can eat at strong meat. One who can pass thru the 2nd veil. One with the knowledge of the Churibim and the Seraphim and more specifically the Ark.

    I shall attend to this thread with great interest but for now MEDITATE on this one - and you might see the Separation of Spirit from Matter: A terrible Crystal:

    Gen 1:7 And God made the expanse, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

    Now is the time for Atonement or Atunement with God - it may be that one who has Repented may escape the Plagues coming upon America - and they come fast now. - Leviticus 26. For the 2520 year period is OVER and Yehovah kept His Word to Abraham but there is NOTHING in His Word that says He will continue to bless Israel [America and Britian] in the days to come - Unless we Nationally RETURN to The Way - plagues will be poured out 7 fold and then 7 fold and then 7 fold - culminating in Slavery in a foreign land and the enemy upon these lands. Leviticus 26.

    As I said Today is the day if you will hear his voice. The Melchizedok Priest may take of the Water from the Well of Beersheba. Give Him the Inkhorn for many things will be written issuing NOT from a pastor or teacher or evangelizer - but as the Eternal has said "I will pour out my Spirit upon all Flesh and MY sons and MY daughters shall prophecy.

    Knowledge is exploding and those in the Outer Court are naturally prohibiting those who desire to enter upon the Inner and those in the Inner Court who are moving toward the Holy of Holies are being prohibited - For the Philistines have stopped up the Well - Therefore did Abraham make a Covenant with Abimilech - and as Purchase he set forth 7 Ewe Lambs - as a witness = Wisdom or Seven Spirits of God. And Abimelech ACKNOWLEDGING that God was with Abraham walked in Peace with him - whereby said peace was established in an Oath - He Seven[ed] Himself.

    But now I have gone too far because there is a lack of foundation which must be laid if there is to be understanding. Thank you for this thread I look forward to its development.

    Thank you MJ - in the meantime for reference:

    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-28-12 at 02:51 AM.

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