Now let's PROCEED further: We have seen the Ministry of the Son of God, the Spirit of God as the Spirit begets children and now lets us see God Tabernacling with Man - Immanuel.

Remember what happened when Yehoshuah was upon the Cross? There came a terrible earth quake as he gave up The Spirit and the Veil between the Inner Court and the Holy of Holies was TORN from TOP to the BOTTOM. What the high priest must have thought. Remember more than likely said HP was there at the election of Rome - NOT the annointing of God. Remember that the priests [sanhedren] knew EXACTLY who Yehoshuah was. But they wanted to retain their Power and their Status. So they sought to kill him so they could retain their cushy lifestyles.

Lets now realize that the Veil is Rent - meaning you do not need a MAN Priest to commune with the Father today. You may issue up your prayers [incense alter] to the Father - BUT - NOTICE - the High Priest in the Heavens is Yehoshuah - so we SEAL our Prayers IN THE NAME OF - Yehoshuah. Yet men still want to keep their Power in the Earth so they insist that the flock offer their Prayers to them and they "supposedly" issue said prayers to God. Notice what a GREAT TRUST a man must place in another man to entrust his Soul to another man.

As for me, I lack that trust in man. I trust the King of kings for He sits at the Right hand of Yehovah.

Can we now proceed into the Holy of Holies?

Heb 9:1 Now even the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and the sanctuary, an earthly one.
Heb 9:2 For there was a tent prepared; the first, in which was the lampstand, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary.
Heb 9:3 And behind the second veil, the tent which is called the Holy of Holies;
Heb 9:4 Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, in which was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant;

Heb 9:5 And over it the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercyseat; concerning is not now to speak in detail.

Heb 9:6 Now these things having been thus prepared, the priests go always into the first tent accomplishing the service... .
Heb 9:7 But into the Holy of Holies went the high priest alone once every year, not apart from blood, which he offered for himself and for the ignorances of the people.

Heb 9:8 THE Holy Spirit this signifying, that the way of the Holy places... was not yet made manifest, while the first tabernacle is as yet standing:

However, today the way to the HOLY PLACE is Manifest in your MIND - but you must FIRST CLEANSE your mind and make yourself Clean before you tread upon the Courts of God.

Lets look at the items in the MOST HOLY PLACE. First of all lets look at those Cheribum - Notice their wings touch in the middle but that their wings span to the ends of the walls but are not connected to the walls - Might those Cheribum be the Left and Right side of your brain? Now then what is the Churibums shadowing? THE ARK.

1Ki 6:27 And he set the cherubims within the inner house: and they stretched forth the wings of the cherubims, so that the wing of the one touched the one wall, and the wing of the other cherub touched the other wall; and their wings touched one another in the midst of the house.

Now then let us see what THE WORD OF GOD states:

Joh_4:23 But the hour is coming, and is now on its way, when the real worshippers shall worship the Father within spirit and ... truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.

Joh_4:24 God is Spirit [not flesh, or material substance]: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and ...truth."

Notice in Hebrews 9 that the Ministration of the Sanctuary and the Holy of Holies was in the Charge of the Levitical Priesthood.

What about Aaron's Rod?

See that Aaron's Rod budded in Almond buds when the other tribes of Yisra'el had decided that they would "HELP" Aaron and his sons [Levites] with the Service of the Temple. See how man wants things "his way" BUT Aaron and his sons were Elected or you could say Appointed by God. Therefore Moses put it to God to show who would serve and we find Aaron's Rod budding as evidence that God ELECTED Aaron and his sons.

Now Moses too was of the house of Levi and we see Aaron's Rod being in Moses' hand as he put it forward and parted the Red Sea - this is VERY IMPORTANT - as we shall see in coming issue that the Melchizedok Priest too has a Rod and said Rod shall be put forward to part the Crystal Sea.

But for now we see that the Scepter or Rod indicates the Rule who is Elected to said service - it is the Levites.

Now then notice that the Priests who Ministered to the Sanctuary prior to the Renting [Tearing open] the Veil kept the Secrets of the Temple. But now when the Veil was rent the "Closely guarded Secrets" were now available to who shall seek them with their whole heart - I said SEEK them - the casual information hound will not find them [Knowledge of God].

Notice that God promised the Israelites the Promised Land - but they would not enter in for FEAR of GIANTS. See that only two out of twelve came back with a good report - lets go. THAT IS SLIM PICKENS'.

But we see they waited one day too late and Yehovah said - that's it - the door of opportunity is closed - see now the 5 foolish virgins [Matt 25]. But we see that while they were in the wilderness, Yehovah fed them, Yehovah gave them clothes that did not wear out - shoes that did not wear out. He used the manna to teach them the Sabbath. And Israel was taught to rely on God. So we see within the ARK the manna. Which is to say the HIDDEN BREAD - the Mysteries of the Word.

And it is here friends that we shall now Enter upon the Melchizedok Priest. For this priest does not drink Milk or eat at Meat - this Priest eats at Strong Meat. The food of the Melchizedok Priest is not for babies or immature children or even most mature Christ Men - here is the Knowledge of God that is for those who Seek God with their Whole Heart.

So we have Aarons' Rod, Manna and the tablets. So lets get to the Tablets.

Now then Here in the Holy of Holies we have THE WAY of God - which is in keeping the Law of God - but NOT by Legal Requirement but rather IN LOVE to God - which is to say IN LOVE to your fellow man. But what is THE LAW replaced with?

2Co_1:22 Who sealed us also, and gave the earnest [pledge] of the Spirit in our hearts.

2Co_5:5 Now He That hath worked out us for the selfsame thing is God, Who ... hath given to us the earnest [pledge] of the Spirit.

Now, then those who are called - walk in THE WAY - attuning their human nature to the Spirit of God - whereby God has granted the Earnest or you might say the "portion" or a "portion" of His Spirit as a Pledge of MUCH MORE to come.

For now let us touch on the Sons of God - these sons are BORN AGAIN - not of the flesh - not in the flesh - but IN THE SPIRIT - only One Son is Born Again - and that is Yehoshuah - the FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT.

Now then let us Resurrect our Mind to a Higher Plane - What is the Promised Land? Is it an inheritance in the Earth? That was only a TYPE - the Promised Land is the REDEMPTION OF OUR BODY - to an Immortal Body - In Christ.

Now then let us touch lightly upon the Melchizedok Priest - it is he who overcomes IN KNOWLEDGE [Law] and MORE IMPORTANTLY - THE SPIRIT.

More to come.....much more.
