2 things,

1. The link you gave in post 2 of the this thread which links to an older post it tells me I do not have permission t view it.

2. I assume by your post on another thread of the state representatives being the signers of the U.S. Constitution that they are the Suitors?

Some people would make the argument that since We The People in the Constitution is NOT us and because of this suitors clause that We are the people mentioned in the State Constitutions, but if one is read up on history much like the U.S. Constitution with it's reps the State Constitutions comprise of Representatives from the counties, people do not
realize it is just corporations acting as public trusts layered up upon one another and the only way you can have any effect within that structure is if you put on a mask and act in persona even if it be a citizen. The masquerade party!
More to come as opportunity presents itself in more conversation.