Short history
I found this forum about 6 months ago and understood basics of lawful money redemption. Since then my spouse and I (W2 employees) canceled direct deposits and started to redeem lawful money by stamping back of the check with “A regular deposit of lawful money pursuant to 12 USC 411”. Actually, in addition to that I have every copy of the check notarized (may be an overkill but I thought to make first time as bulletproof as possible).

Purpose of the thread
Time of filing is approaching and it is time to establish evidence repository and do the actual work. While this forum contains huge amount of useful information and examples I am still having problems with understanding technique of the paperwork preparation and filing. Also, me not being born in US nor having very fluent speaking and writing abilities I can hardly imagine myself to be able to write legalese without help of honorable people of this forum. Thus I thought that doing the process and documenting all its steps with examples of paperwork, questions and answers will setup a good learning resource for newbies like myself.

What I am planning to achieve during the “walk”

  1. While still in 2012 open new bank account and record a notice and demand, so that starting new year I can switch back to direct deposit
  2. File return with reduction of income that equals to total amount of lawful checks.
  3. R4C IRS correspondence if necessary
  4. Get a refund
  5. Learn (probably should be the first in the list )
  6. Help other to learn (should it be second or first? )

Here is a plan of actions that I am thinking to perform to achieve my objective. Based on comments and recommendations I hope to get it finalized by the end of the “walk”.

  1. Establish Libel of Review (or should it be miscellaneous evidence file?)
  2. Open bank account
  3. Record Notice and demand
  4. Send copy of the recorded Notice to bank
  5. File return with copy of all checks into established libel of review
  6. File return to IRS
  7. … depends on IRS response.

Dilemmas and thoughts

  1. I am planning to have joined bank account for future direct deposits as well as to file return as joined. Therefore it seems that when establishing Libel of Review it should have two petitioners, is it possible?

P.S. I expect this thread to touch on many different topics and I am in doubt of proper place for the thread. Dear Admins please fill free to find a better “home” for this thread.