As to those babies actually born of freed slaves during the so called reconstruction period, such children could still not be classified as citizens of the United States (due to their birth) because of the servitude mandated in the Fourth Article of the Fourteenth Amendment as a specific condition of U.S. citizenship; all this in deference to the prohibition of involuntary servitude of the Thirteenth Amendment. Before such children could become U.S. citizens they would have to wait until they reached the age of reason and then they would have to volunteer themselves into such status. I contend that none ever did so, certainly not knowingly.

I cannot imagine that any sane former slave who fully understood the provisions of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth amendments would freely volunteer into a condition of servitude which is part and parcel of United States citizenship. For that matter, neither can I imagine such would be the freewill choice of any sane white person born in the United States (this disparagement is not in any way applicable to foreign nationals who immigrate to the U.S. and apply for naturalization).

Having unraveled the insidious intent hidden in the Fourteenth Amendment it becomes abundantly clear that the purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment was/is to con persons of all races into volunteering themselves into a condition of servitude under the jurisdiction of the United States

There is widespread belief that the purpose and intent of the Fourteenth Amendment was to provide a citizenship status for the freed slaves and at the time of the promulgation of the Fourteenth Amendment such purpose was even publicly claimed by those who drafted the citizenship clauses - but if such was the case then why is any suggestion or implication thereof totally absent from the said clauses?? Why did the framers thereof not write:

“All persons born in the United States or any territory thereof, or born in any of the several states, being of African extraction, who desire to become citizens hereof, shall be accorded every opportunity to meet and comply with the rules of naturalization on the same basis of any white immigrant, without any restriction due to their former condition of involuntary servitude or slavery, nor shall such applicants be subject to any naturalization quotas.”

And, just to make sure that it is clearly understood, there is no such thing as an “anchor baby” (babies born in the United States of illegal alien mothers).
So, if persons born in the United States do not volunteer into U.S. citizen servitude status - what then is their political status??

Well, as for me, I am of the Posterity of the People of the United States. “People of the United States” and “citizen of the United States” are not in any way the same!!! This begs an examination as to what it is that constitutes a republican form of government - and that will be the subject of a future discussion.

I suggest skeptics read Chief Justice John Jay’s dicta in
Chisholm vs. Georgia (2US 419 - 1794), the Preamble to the Constitution, and the First and Second amendments, paying particular attention to the use of the words “joint tenants in the sovereignty”, “people”, “ourselves and our posterity”, and, the absence of the word “citizen”.

Eric Williams