No no- not represent her... Coach- merely point out the laws in conflict and let her decide what she feels is best. I see how it could get dicey and spiral out of control - however she listens with great interest when I go on about these things. She's intrigued.
I was thinking along the lines of Marc Stevens of Adventures in Legal Land fame if anyone is familiar with his work. He apparently uses parking tickets as a fairly cheap way to get your foot in the door and "break the ice" and train in techniques of handling ones own legal affairs. David mentions a precaution that it could end up costing in excess of $200 - something I'm sure neither she or I would like to see.
If it was me, I already have an entire legal argument written upon my mind, but I've been studying this stuff for a solid three months (I know that's a drop in the bucket but I'm amazed at what I have been able to uncover and retain in that short period of time).

So it appears in my zeal to slay the beast, maybe I inserted my foot into my mouth. It probably would be prudent and best for her to be competent to handle her own affairs completely.

I face the man in black robes Monday morning at 9:am for a review. If I survive that round (they may imprison me for a debt which is unconstitutional according to my state) I plan to start filing the papers that are sure to piss the judge off...
I was just hoping for a dose of ego boost I suppose. A confidence builder. That's the wrong attitude to have and I stand corrected.
Maybe the end result of this is I can turn her on to her own studies where she may be confident enough to handle her own affairs. I would hate to see her expenses jacked up because I suggested something that pissed the judge off.

:-/ like y'all said - no silver bullet.
