Once again thank you Gerdes, for the breakdown on the subject and clarifying it for me.
David thank you for your added helping hand. After taking a look at what I wrote down in my reply to Gerdes, I can understand what you are telling me I need more under standing concerning lawful monies. That is why I apologized to Gerdes. He had wrote the answer very plainly. And in my reply I was still going on about the “U.S. citizen”.(but that letter had already been mailed)
I hadn’t look at the cite because no one had responded. That night I saw his reply . I read half of what he said; I was in such a hurry to respond, I didn’t read through the whole reply. Anyway this is what I understand.
(1). I already signed an agreement(signature card) with the bank where I stated, “all transaction and deposits demanded in lawful monies pursuant to title 12 section 411.” I signed with my true name First Middle dba FIRST, LAST, which is the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust .Because of this signed agreement , I can only receive lawful monies in all my transactions with Chase Bank. The lawful money is not fractionalized because it’s not taxable. On the other hand, FRN’s are an elastic currency which does create an interest(taxes) through fractionalization and are therefore taxed.
(2).The property in the cestui que trust(corporation) is granted to myself(true name)to use for the cestui que.
(3). In fact , I have been cashing my benefit checks with Title 12 section 411 verbiage stamped on the back of every check, and signing true name;First Middle; dba FIRST MIDDLE LAST.
(4). And like Gerdes advised me, even if I am declared a U.S. citizen it doesn’t matter because I only receive lawful monies, which is not fractionalized and not taxable. U.S. Treasury Notes are lawful monies, not legal tender(FRN’s ). That makes me not a taxpayer. A non-taxpayer is not a U.S. Citizen.
(5). The trust of the banks are based on fraud, just like the IRS (corporation);
(6). The bank and myself have already signed an agreement that “all transaction and deposits are demanded in lawful monies pursuant to title 12 section 411.”
(7). Additionally, if the Bank Manager was verbally refusing for cause my novation in direct view of a viedo camara, to the signature card, he is not on solid ground.
1. I already have a signed agreement with the bank that I will be redeeming only lawful monies.
2. Under the four corners rule – intention of parties, "Absent ambiguity, the parties’ intentions must be discerned from the four corners of the document, and extrinsic evidence may not be considered." KY Supreme Court 2007-CA-000498
3. He will also have the additional problem of banks dealing based on fraud.
Thanks for the education. FRANCO or FRANKO
p.s. I have another question but I will put in the proper cite