Quote Originally Posted by gdude View Post
Thanks David, Interestingly enough, the only return receipt I've received so far is from the Dept of Treasury. I'm done with US bank, left a bad taste. I like my current bank, Suntrust, but I opened that account in mid 90s. I did send them a Demand also, but they may try to ignore it, or maybe say that I am trying to change the terms of the adhesion contract. BUT, 12USC411 only says you have to make a demand, not that any principle players have to agree to it....correct?
How can they ignore a demand?

You really have to study that one!

They have no control over your voice. You may voice any demand you like. If you get it across with proof then they cannot ignore your demand. Especially in these cases where they close the accounts. They are responding to your demand - not ignoring it. That is how I take your Tell - Gdude. It is a Tell, that your demand has substance.

These banks are suddenly realizing that they cannot ignore your demands for lawful money. Check out this thread! 55 Views but not a single Post in response? So I suspect my point needs a little more clarifying.

I like my current bank, Suntrust, but I opened that account in mid 90s. I did send them a Demand also...
There is a little more of it right there! Displacement.

What you should have done is serve Suntrust with certified copy of your proof of service in the nearest Fed Bank - of your Notice and Demand. Albeit sending them a demand is probably adaquate but if push comes to shove are you not going to have to summon the bank manager into open court? This is what evidence repositories are about. The certification I am speaking of is from the US clerk of court and the Notice and Demand will not only be notarized you get a Commission Certificate from the Secretary of State on the Notary Public too. If you prove all the facts then no attorney will ever take you to court!

No law or fact shall be tried in court.

If the facts are already on the record then holding court for a finding of fact is fruitless!