I have come to believe that the Name (First Middle Last) is my property (right of use; that which is proper to i; a man, and exclusive of all others). The 'State' may have TITLE and OWNERSHIP in the legal world, yet said claim of property is made by a man. Having TITLE or OWNERSHIP is what makes one liable and obliged. I make no claim of TITLE or OWNERSHIP; only to property. Only a man can make a claim; so, another man must challenge your claim in open court on the record. The 'State' has no rights and cannot make claims. Those who act in capacity as officer for the State have no rights either, while in that capacity; they have privileges, duties and obligations. One of the most important duties and obligations is to secure, protect and restore property. Who are they oath-bound to perform this for? For men and women who make claims and have inherent rights which come from the Creator, Most High God. The standing and capacity of 'man' is higher that that of 'State' or 'officer' or 'judge' or 'president' or 'pope'.

Only 'man' is unlimited in his capacity; he can and may choose to be anything he wishes at any given moment in time. Which means, if it is of benefit to me, i can choose to be 'First Middle Last' in a particular situation. As soon as i choose not to be 'First Middle Last' then, i am not. These two choices can occur within minutes of each other. Who has the right to interfere with a man's right to self-determine and self-govern? Do you know of anyone? Only a terrorist interferes with a man's right to self-govern (terrorism is interfering with the proper function of government). The chief public servant BARACK OBAMA himself admitted recently in a speech, that we all have the gift of self-government (albeit he is confused as to who ultimately 'gave' that capacity to us).

The key to all this is to properly move, hold and keep our court(s) when someone (not a fictional entity) robs our property or interferes with our right to property. The 'State' doesn't do a thing, ever. The 'IRS' never robs any man's property, ever. Ultimately, it is ALWAYS a man or woman who robs property from another 'man' and it is that man or woman who robbed said property that must be held liable for that wrong. It matters not what capacity he or she claimed to be in at the time or what 'legal' basis was claimed; no man or woman has a right to rob another man's property, ever. Any attempted justification of the wrong from the 'legal' world (codes, statutes) is a further wrong committed against the man.

We must learn to act as men and women, bring our competent court(s) and know how to keep it when wrongs, harm or injuries are committed against us and/or our claimed property. Forgiveness is essential, and yet, restoration must be provided by those who have willingly placed themselves in a lower office/capacity than 'man' with the voluntary burden of duties and obligations toward 'man'. It was their choice to enter into that capacity and, to stay in honor, they must perform accordingly.