Hello all, I recently "woke up" at age 24, in fact today to the reality of my past mishandling with the fed and their elastic currency. I first want to say I understand that pursuant to title 12 subsection 11 I'm allowed to demand for legal tender, but I'm even more extremely curious about what this means retroactively speaking given the last few years I've been working and also my most recent tax return. Given the fact had I known in the past I would have of course dealt in legal tender where does this leave me, and more importantly if I went into my bank on monday and changed all my FRN to legal tender would I still be accountable for fed tax this coming tax season or, would I simply not apply. As you all can tell I'm young, eager and willing to step up and fulfill my role and obligation as a patriot of this fare country, I only need the proper schooling :P
please help with any and all guidance, I appreciate anyone forthcoming with answering my questions and helping me to be my own man. Thank you all. Now to get back to trying to make sense of all this