I take issue with that video.

The Secret of Oz (by Mr Bill Still)

WHY DO YOU NEED a single commodity such as GOLD to be or to BACK the currency (which is basically a system of money whereby the bills and coins themselves are used by a particular Country) to be USED by the people IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY?

I find that gold has the ability to be too easily, internally and externally manipulated...value wise. Plus remember the LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) scandal. Well, if your Country just NATIONALISED its own central bank…what I mean by NATIONALISE is make that central bank at arm’s length from the government, but make it answerable to the government and create binding legislation on said NATIONALISED central bank, whereby it is mandated for said bank to control inflation. And by said central bank being bound in that way, it will control the QUANTITY of currency (I previously defined it ABOVE) in circulation in that particular Country’s economy. Also make very sure that said bank is the ONLY bank that can create money….By simply imposing on ALL allege lending institutions in that particular Country a 100 % Reserve Requirement…That will help to control inflation as well it will put an END to this BS Fractional Reserve Banking System. Also since this NATIONALIZED central bank can now create money…it takes care of the liquidity issue as well. Plus, since said central bank is now the only bank that can create money and since it is NOT private any more, all the money generated through the seigniorage process will now go to the Country’s coffers. This will help to alleviating the tax burdens put on that Country’s citizens.
Any newly created money can be SPENT into circulation hopefully on social programmes, infrastructure projects and that kind of stuff only to BENEFIT the citizens (the people(s)) of that Country ONLY WHEN NEEDED…I believe that this could be achieve!
(Please check out these seven videos DIRECTLY BELOW

I think that you should check out this video, named “Money as Debt - Fractional Reserve Banking part 4 of 5” and advance this video to the 6 15 mark on its counter and LET it run to the 7 05 mark, again on its counter to basically show you when, how and who is responsible for the starting of the current DEBT based system. Basically when and by who chartered the Fractional Reserve Banking system into use:


A Country’s currency (Again, I previously defined it ABOVE) that is generated by a NATIONALISED bank that maintains its NATURAL RESOURCES, like gold, silver, plus other precious metals, copper, diamonds, oil, trees, water, and the like that your Country OWNS / has. Not to mention the other ASSETS your Country OWNS / has as well. Plus the ingenuity of its citizenry. But, once those ASSETS are privatizes...[COLOR="#FF0000"]What does a Country have that backs its currency…its money externally?[COLOR="#FF0000"] Food for thought…

The concept pertaining to or of Tally Sticks is the solution to the Quantity of Money problem.

SR 10 January 9, 2010 Still Report