As I've been looking, I think that there's more to collapsing the Cestue que trust that just making a claim, or redeeming lawful money. But, I think that the correct sentence structure language might be part of it, as well as redeeming lawful money. I do believe that there are more components to collapsing it.
I am speculating on this matter, but from my reading in the law dictionaries, and other books, I believe that we're kinda at the halfways point for this. But I think that a few other things are necessary to be done to finish the collapse of the trust. My thoughts on this have been evolving for a while, but are not, I believe, fully complete. I haven't tried any of this yet, as I don't believe the process in my mind has been completed, but I think I've put a lot of pieces together. If elaboration is desired, let me know.