Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
Thank you for that news George. We are on it around here.
youre welcome. mydigitallife forum management has decided to switch to xenoforo software: https://xenforo.com/

which speaks volumes of the VB situation as that membership is reasonably high tech. i am familiar with a couple of other forums that use it now and made the switch early on when the development at VB started slacking.

xenoforo is alright but kinda has that childish, facebook feel to it with the like buttons and such but im sure those options could be disabled, it is fully functional and has all the expected features a forum software should have though.

MDL will be switching over next week starting on the 18th in case you want to check out how that goes. (link in previous post) they expect a couple of days downtime (offline) but it could be more or less however they will be doing extensive customizations to the software that are not required.