Chapter 1
Livin' It

The word of Jonamiah, son of Harvey. And it came to pass in the month of September, in the twenty-fifth year, as I was in the land of the Free & the home of the Brave; the place called New England. And did meet a girl so fine, O, to me she was divine; She lock'd up my heart in her bottom drawer. What wisdom hideth in a shawl, I doth declare she had it all. We were married there in ninety-four.

And we were blessed of God. And I worketh in the place called office, for I was record-bearer to the Boss. And my wife worketh too making wages, the good work God hath provided. Our house was blessed, the family increaseth, partaking of all the good things the earth doth yield; the import from Detroit, the overpriced iPod,, yea even the baconator. Thus my world did smile, hand-in-hand we walked the miles.

And we served God, with praise & thanksgiving for our good lot, saying, behold, We are living the dream!
Yes, only later to learn it was like unto a dream, for was I asleep to what evil happeneth around me, and to the name.