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Thread: Lara BOYD on Neuroplasticity

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Consider the book Megabrain by Michael Hutchinson--"inferentially" tells the truth about why and how they are aiming to dumb down younger generations and why they are taking away playtime, outdoor activities and time outside: because they are intentionally thwarting brain development. By removing movement and stimulus they are aiming to prevent development of the brain. It has gotten around that Zika virus isn't causing birth defects: its those vaccines grown on dead fetal tissue which are administered to mothers while pregnant.

    The topic of "neuroplasticity" was actually very well known and studied prior to the 1930s but doctrines stemming out of German concepts of "racial superiority"-meets-Darwin entered in and so they had to paint this idea of the brain being fixed in development at birth--total lie. If the brain was fixed, why have schools around the country been so quick to put lead in the water of Black and inner-city students? Because since the brain is constantly developing and being enhanced, constant fluoride-and-lead baths would be necessary for any agenda geared toward thwarting a living, active system that keeps cleaning itself. Gotta love those regressive "Progressives", right?

    No doubt lead in the water would 'conveniently' prop the diabolical fiction of intelligence and IQ differences being based merely on color of skin. Remove the lead from the tap water and The Bell Curve falls flat on its face and goes straight through the floor.
    Last edited by allodial; 07-23-16 at 09:19 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex

    Schools putting lead in the water of innercity schools? Seriously?

    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Consider the book Megabrain by Michael Hutchinson--"inferentially" tells the truth about why and how they are aiming to dumb down younger generations and why they are taking away playtime, outdoor activities and time outside: because they are intentionally thwarting brain development. By removing movement and stimulus they are aiming to prevent development of the brain. It has gotten around that Zika virus isn't causing birth defects: its those vaccines grown on dead fetal tissue which are administered to mothers while pregnant.

    The topic of "neuroplasticity" was actually very well known and studied prior to the 1930s but doctrines stemming out of German concepts of "racial superiority"-meets-Darwin entered in and so they had to paint this idea of the brain being fixed in development at birth--total lie. If the brain was fixed, why have schools around the country been so quick to put lead in the water of Black and inner-city students? Because since the brain is constantly developing and being enhanced, constant fluoride-and-lead baths would be necessary for any agenda geared toward thwarting a living, active system that keeps cleaning itself. Gotta love those regressive "Progressives", right?

    No doubt lead in the water would 'conveniently' prop the diabolical fiction of intelligence and IQ differences being based merely on color of skin. Remove the lead from the tap water and The Bell Curve falls flat on its face and goes straight through the floor.

    I am new here, and I don't know too much about the site. But I have yet to see YouTube videos, Wiki leaks, Investigative Reports, TV expositions, shipping manifests from lead suppliers, or School Whistle Blowers outing the poisoning of THEMSELVES (you really think only students drink the water?). So, respectfully, that portion of what you wrote, will have to rest in the round file, as malarky, for me at least. Cheers for the courage to write the untenable, however!

  5. #5
    Upon the presumption that NESARA, the New Republics and of course Rumor Mill News are all failures as far as rules of evidence goes, that leaves pretty much PACER as the only source aside from the Agency websites, for any leads; including here.

    Good thing for the Holy Spirit of God.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by CommonLawWarrior View Post
    I am new here, and I don't know too much about the site. But I have yet to see YouTube videos, Wiki leaks, Investigative Reports, TV expositions, shipping manifests from lead suppliers, or School Whistle Blowers outing the poisoning of THEMSELVES (you really think only students drink the water?). So, respectfully, that portion of what you wrote, will have to rest in the round file, as malarky, for me at least. Cheers for the courage to write the untenable, however!
    Damage Control? Is that you?

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    So you are saying that you have your right to pick which hearsay around which to grow your neuronal future? Fair enough! (Or maybe you should change your water supply for a few months and read this at some point. This thread >here< has a link to what the World Health Organization published about Zika back in January, 2016).

    • Zika virus is transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. It causes mild fever and rash. Other symptoms include muscle pain, joint pain, headache, pain behind the eyes and conjunctivitis.
    • Zika virus disease is usually mild, with symptoms lasting only a few days.


      A high rate of asymptomatic infection with Zika virus is expected, similar to other flaviviruses, such as dengue virus and West Nile virus. Most people fully recover without severe complications, and hospitalization rates are low. To date, there have been no reported deaths associated with Zika virus.

    --World Health Organization, January 2016.
    Ever notice how children like to spin around when they play and move about? Research shows that what they are doing perhaps unwittingly is improving their neuronal development. Sit them at a desk motionless, rob them of play time: so much for that. Pour on fluoride, Leaded Kool-Aid, {name your psych. med}: neuronal development caged.

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    I once FIRST HAND witnessed a young brown-skinned student whose predominantly-"White" teachers and administrative staff marveled at why and how the kid was so capable in school. As I reverse engineer that remembrance they way they behaved seemed to betray something else underlying and hidden. They probably wanted to ask: AFTER ALL THAT WE'VE DONE WHY AREN'T YOU TOTALLY EFFIN STUPID KID??! The principal (rumored at the time to be involved in the KKK or the like), one day, trying to be a smarty-pants got pissed trying to 'talk smart' to him (or rather to show off by talking 'over the kid's head') : the principal actually attempted to quote a book, but the made an error. Reflexively and politely the student corrected him. IMHO: totally hilarious and priceless moment. The principal got so angry and red in the face and embarrassed over being schooled by the student that the principal KICKED HIM OUT OF SCHOOL FOR THE DAY AND SENT HIM HOME. Eventually, I found out that his mom never gave him the regular, straight tap water! I always wondered why they gave his mom so much trouble after that time. Mind you I witnessed this entire exchange FIRST HAND.

    Also, regarding "themselves", teachers are used as fodder all the time and aren't necessarily regarded as 'insiders'. Unions are used to keep them in line, the Management durst not 'soil their hands' with them. You're missing the point: stupid teachers yield stupid students. What you'd want to look for is whether the principal and the board of education administrative staff had Big Blue trucked into their offices. I've seen many a school like that. Always suggested as a "courtesy". The students and teachers drink the tap water. The executive staff drink courtesy water and will have an office area with A/C while the students and teachers sweat it out on 100F days. I've seen this almost universally. Even in places where they said "Well its so the we don't have to walk alllllll the way to the water fountain..." But then just over 6' away in the same icy-cold A/C zone is a break room with sink and a tap--not to far away is the Big Blue Bottle.

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    Sometimes, its right in your face.

    Decades later, I got put on a case of a young brown-skinned kid who was in rather British area who did extraordinarily well in school and with sports but mysteriously started having troubles and deteriorating health out of the blue. I actually knew the young child's father quite well. His father had gotten very ill and was just about incapacitated but got better eventually. My concern for the child was quite strong. During that time, the child got very ill and the young child (8 to 11 years old) started doing terribly in school. His father became very concerned. So I got to asking questions and turned out there was a very bigoted teacher from South Africa who hated the boy and made quite a bunch of nasty comments and did nasty things. His view was that the boy wasn't "supposed" to be so smart or do so well. Needless to say, the muck of hate and bigotry I had to wade through was sickening. I don't give outer appearances much if any deep credence. Even stranger, they had the boy put on psychiatric meds. The explanation for the change in mood and behavior was puzzling. So I had some routine tests diverted behind the scenes to a lab. Turns out the little kid was being poisoned.

    Note both White and Black inner city kids are also associated with their poverty being the result of inferior genes or bad choices: they drink the leaded the tap water too. Remove it from gasoline but leave it in the pipes? Totally makes sense *sarcasm*. Feel free to embrace that.

    After all, what exactly are a bunch of educators and professionals with college degrees who run cities and educational institutions supposed to know!??!? "No way" they couldn't have know without uberspecialized equipment, right?

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    Costs around $9.99 at Home Depot. Psst: The Lead-In Water Test Kit also costs around $9.99 at Home Depot too!

    Also, in D.C. the buzz is that, in D.C. at the Capitol, the Management has had bottled water shipped in since fluoridation started.

    Flint’s neighbor directly to the east is the city of Burton, which receives water from Lake Huron through Detroit’s system. Burton’s population is 86 percent white, the median household income is nearly $44,000 per year, and the median home is worth almost $75,000. In Flint, 64 percent of the residents are people of color, the median income is just under $25,000 per year, and the median home is worth about $42,000. (source) {different communities get water from different sources}
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    Last edited by allodial; 07-24-16 at 05:02 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  7. #7
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    To answer a book length copy and paste response is way above my pay grade.

    But to answer one incorrect comment, out of several, I will deign to do: I am not talking about hearsay. I am demanding two or three eyewitnesses, people who state, 'I saw the Principal sign for monthly deliveries of Liquid Dispersable Lead, then I followed him to the secret dispensing unit, for the CLOSED SYSTEM, put in by plumbers (turned states evidence) who signed sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury and jail time, that they set up 100 of these systems only in inner city schools. Sworn Affidavits. Class Action Lawsuits. Criminal Arrests of Plumbers, lead suppliers, principals with a conscience (such as my Dad, a career Principal and Superintendent, who spent 40 years educating children because he loved them) turning states evidence. (I personally admit that these wildly unsubstantiated accusations, with zero court admissible evidence, but lots of what you call 'hearsay', I find rather offensive to impugn the character and decency of all the educators that I know, Administrators comprising a large number of them. However, I have been deceived before, and this may yet be another case.)

    So rock on with such horrific 'evidence', neatly posting about it, but not TAKING ACTION on one blessed thing.

    How you can sit calmly typing away at your computer, 'knowing' that children are being poisoned by lead, when you have all this 'evidence', is shocking. In fact, it is borderline sickening. By that I mean, in the same way it is sickening that the Germans took no action to stop the Ovens from being built, and being used. Ashes fell on their coats, and the stench of bodies burning filled the air. Jews died. No one acted. No difference here, it would appear. But I could have this all wrong, I miss things often, and make people mad, and have to go and apologize for sticking my foot in my mouth. This is probably one of those times I am acting badly yet again!

    Perhaps it is just me and my overactive desire for Justice, but if I 'knew/had court admissible evidence' to 'prove' children were being poisoned, and I never filed a single lawsuit, never called a single prosecutor, never tried to get a class action lawsuit filed, NOT ONE ACTION? Well, I just wouldn't be able to live with my calloused conscience, and my intellectual smug conceit, while letting children die or be dumbed down for years. But hey, that's just me! Some people can live with such guilty knowledge lodged deep within their breast, and sleep well at night.

    But I would not be able to, because one day I will stand before Almighty God, and he would say to me, "CommonLawWarrior, I gave you all of this Court Admissible Evidence, so you could take down one of the most criminal, heinous, racist, elitist crimes against humanity in American history. Now could you please explain to me why, instead of taking Action, you spent your time posting about it on Saving to Suitors Club?' So, I'm never gonna have that conversation with God, if I can help it. How about you?

    "Hello, Damage Control here. State the nature of your emergency..."

    But I'll tell you what you do with all your powerful evidence. You contact 100 class action specialization law firms, and get them to sign on with all this 'court admissible evidence', and you will be a rich man in about 5 years!

    Cheers, all the best, no malice intended, hope this does not get me kicked off of StSC already. Not my intention to pick a fight. But I will finish one.

  8. #8
    *yawn* again. I see that you simply are comfortable with your world view and take such comfort as court actionable truth. "It doesn't bother me so I don't want to hear it." There are things being done and actions being taken. The infrastructure is to be upgraded. By shining light on a situation, the roaches tend to scatter and often the right kind of people get involved. But it has taken a long time for the purveyors of the evil to yield.

    You clearly mistake that your eyes only see discussion and your "impeccable" feelings for lack of action elsewhere (i.e. you don't see it so it doesn't' exist--that is fair enough). Of course, I've met plenty folks who (perhaps like yourself?) make a lot of noise and effort in arriving at reasons to ignoring the plight of others or prospective dangers: "It doesn't bother me. I'm happy. So who cares. As a matter of fact, there isn't anything to care about cos I'm happy where I am."

    In fact, there is plenty of activity toward improving infrastructure throughout America. But you'd probably rather focus on the petty aspects their analysis which might offend you. I don't suspect in your comfort you've bothered to notice the deteriorated and dilapidated condition of infrastructure throughout the USA and the obstructionism that has resisted law and equity: sometimes some folks have nefarious motives and hide it.

    Obviously, as you very well know, this is hardly an attempt at a court case sworn under oath or to condemn anyone. Simply, you're saying that you're entitled to your opinion and being entrenched therein. Perhaps you lack interested or capacity to investigate anything anything outside of your comfort zone without projecting yourself into everything as a self-defense mechanism for for shoring up your comfy-ness.

    You're missing the point: everyone in Flint (regardless of what they looked like and evidently due to economic and appearance based classism) was being fed lead Kool-Aid except for those wise enough to avoid it. I wasn't aiming to dwell on whether economic classism or appearance-based classissm was the most important 'bad guy': the authors of the articles and my own first-hand experience evidence a systematic, hateful motive in more locations than just Flint. Like anyone, you're likely emotionally vested in your views. The point isn't all about passing judgment against anyone: but that the evidence of systematic nefarity is mounting and not just in Flint.

    I'm neither a White Supremacist, Black Supremacist or Asian Supremacist. In my experience, physical appearance doesn't necessary make someone good, bad, smarter or better than another. Instead, I might more of a Good-Soul Supremacist. Maybe the 'threat' of a merit-based society is what really disturbs you.
    Last edited by allodial; 07-25-16 at 07:52 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by CommonLawWarrior View Post

    Cheers, all the best, no malice intended, hope this does not get me kicked off of StSC already. Not my intention to pick a fight. But I will finish one.
    Remove the calcium, lead, aluminum, mercury and repair any damage done. The memories will return to your consciousness because they are still up there. I suggest you try sharing some of them with a tree - with the entire forest/universe, for that matter.

    Anywhere you go, everything you see; I own it all so long as you believe you are you, and me is me.

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