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Thread: The MENDOZA Order

  1. #11
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    The following is a symbolic glyph for your amusement:

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    Best regards,
    Michael Joseph
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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  2. #12
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Back to topic, what was the original claim in the cause? And how was it framed? I don't have the case in front of me?
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Back to topic, what was the original claim in the cause? And how was it framed? I don't have the case in front of me?
    John acquired default, or so it seemed. But the DoJ was silent because he had failed to serve the local AG or State Attorney General.

    Doc 1 - Complaint.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    The following is a symbolic glyph for your amusement:

    Name:  Serpent.jpg
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    Best regards,
    Michael Joseph

    By and large, this will depict the two different religions at the base of the Holy Bible. It explains the strain felt between Jesus' sex magick and the Pharisee/Sadducee monotheism on the Temple Mount. All you have to do is take another look at the Bible after hearing this and it will become obvious and intuitive.

    The NEPHALIM survived the Flood. See Numbers 13:33. The Flood and Languages of the Tower are parables depicting how Enlil (YHVH) encouraged surrounding cultures to 'move on in' to beautiful Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar BELSHAZZAR made a subsequent attempt at world conquest through creation of the Jews. Both required the worship of YHVH - "The One True God".

    The telomeregenesis therapy through Starfire communion even requires modification in diet. The sacrificial system of intercession (commercial priestcraft) requires large intake of meat protein while pre- and neo-natal vitamins supporting cycloasteragenol delivery of telomere and fetal stem cells into the frontal lobes is more styled for the emerging MELCHIZEDEK.

    Remember how Abram was on the verge of a long life's end at 99 - then went on to be 176? And Sarah, dried up at 91 bore a son of Babylonian/Egyptian marriage and then went on to 126?

    Mysticomimetic neuropsychopharmacology. Time to rethink - Everlasting Life. Visit Deuteronomy 32:7 -

    “Remember the days of old,
    Consider the years of many generations.
    Ask your father, and he will show you;
    Your elders, and they will tell you:

    Then reading the Starfire article by the Chancellor of the Dragon Court remember how Methuselah lived 960 years?

    To get the sex magick remember the only time Jesus was anointed, it was from a priestess.

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  5. #15
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    You're on it brother! Jesus did not create a new religion. Religion is divisive in it's outer practice. Notice Jesus explains sex magic to Nicodemus but he being a learned one in Israel still did not get it. He did not recognize that the SON promised to everyone [Abraham] is born in the Spinal Column.

    And yet it is obvious to the student of Scripture that the Nephalim survived the flood. I wrote the attached years ago when I was in a different phase of development. Whilst it remains true, I see now the Scriptures as being symbolic of the war happening between the inner man and the outer man in relation to the archetypes in Atziluth. Mankind fallen in Malkuth needs desperately to return to Yesod but without the key needed to raise the Adam man [serpent on the pole] being born of the Spirit is difficult. It is necessary that man raise his vital body and stop spilling out his energy in complete waste.

    Indeed two staves carry the ark. A woman and a man enter into Eden.

    Angels that left their Habitation.pdf

    I apologize if I come off a bit angry in my writing. I was at a weird place of awakening to truth and being upset that most everything presented is a lie. I was growing weary of religion for it only served - in my mind - to bind me to a fleshly man who seemed to me to be raping the masses. True Religion binds one to God in marriage - Holy Matrimony.

    However, I now see the "woman's water" in a totally different light. So I will withdraw upon that statement which sort of changes everything but that is for another day. Be in great good health and in overflowing prosperity.

    With best regards,
    Michael Joseph

    P.S. Metaphysically is not a giant synonymous with a Religion - a man of renown? If the keys are removed from said Religion can those who practice in that Religion hope to practice in Truth? Are not then "sons of God" equated to truths in God? And are not "daughters of man" equated to "desires of man". And what happens with the Holy is mixed with the profane? Is this not Adultery?

    Is not the result then preachers who sell wares in the pulpit under the guise of prosperity for all? See now how these indeed live amongst us - and even so - at the tops of every grand building they hide in plain sight. Now consider your own psyche and the beliefs that are resident in your subconscious. How did those nation states [beliefs] come to be resident in your subconscious? Are not these beliefs like lenses of which we look thru a glass [darkly]?
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 01-12-19 at 07:15 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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  6. #16
    Whilst it remains true, I see now the Scriptures as being symbolic of the war happening between the inner man and the outer man in relation to the archetypes in Atziluth.
    The holographic reflection of this war is found in Nehemiah and Ezra. The People of the Land were accepting the Divine Feminine found in two deities of Mesopotamian Anunnaki - Enki and Enlil. While Nebuchadnezzar developed a weapon, the Jews on the Temple Mount in honor of the insecure and genocidal YHVH only - Enlil - El Shaddai. A very masculine patriarchal archetype as it turns out, cranked by commercial priestcraft.

    When I was stubbornly conditioned to abhor blood, especially menstruum I accepted The Nazarene Gospel Restored rendition of Jesus, married before John to Mary MAGDALENE depicting Jesus lying on his back with Mary standing over him in a symbol of birthing. A deeper understanding describes cunnilingus with gravity washing the olfactory bulb in viable human fetal stem cells - telomeregenesis. The olfactory fibers are connected directly to the frontal lobes.

    These youthful telomerace DNA imprints would easily be described throughout the entire body.

    Drink my blood.
    Welcome to everlasting life.

    The stories about Jesus teaching in India decades after the alleged Crucifixion might be factual.

  7. #17
    - at the tops of every grand building they hide in plain sight.
    Surprisingly my Witching Hour might not be filled with the above mentioned activity around telomeregenesis. I have my fun, while I write to you all.

    Watching a comedy skit about TRUMP earlier this evening I heard;

    We are now in the second biggest government shutdown in history... 1995; Here we come!!
    You may recall how many times I have described that event as mine.

    It was ascending to process my creation through Rush capitalizing on fear. He did not understand that the Shutdown would become the 31-Day Government Shutdown. - That the tradition is for the bankruptcy restructure to occur over a thirty-day term, cessation in banking. Fortunately Congress sanctions that we do not have to change the name, United States like banking tradition mandates.

    Described herein this thread we are now watching the cessation, the "Omission" of the War from the Bankers' Code. The weaponry affects murders like I describe but mostly the mental STRAWMAN is drawn into the Shadows through the dog-Latin.

    So help me God.


    Intellectual dishonesty found Victor WOLSKI using the pretended offensive observations to remove my Refusal for Cause on his oath of office from the published record. It might require new patterns of brain organization to originate the ideas but not much imagination to follow my process.

    Pueblo is the Tenth Judicial District - Colorado Springs is the Fourth Judicial District and Ft Collins is the Eighth Judicial District. You might recall how all three districts remember David Merrill clearly and with no small amount of emotional baggage. However, none of the districts are territorial jurisdiction - they are districts, not states. But both are only organizations of idea sets. Inverse to the old crude carpenter trick - when you get a nasty cut on your finger:

    Soak it in cider. [OUCH!!]

    Soak in inside her.

    Telomeregenesis. You overcome taboo about blood and are back to work in the morning without the stitches billing and three days off without pay. The inscription on the Apprentice Pillar reads:

    Wine is strong,
    The King is stronger;
    Woman is the Strongest,
    Above All is Truth.

    That might be why we find most of the correspondence happening between women?

  8. #18
    The link above will help the reader understand how this is behind the current restructure.

    What is really happening here, from my perspective is that communication is creation and two men who were in jail last week are free, because attorneys are talking. Then there is the geopolitical social engineering... Mostly we find the Authorizing Attorney covering up forgery, that instead of a $50K bond warrant out of Colorado Springs, there is a $7K bond and warrant out of Ft Collins, and even so, probably not much desire to pursue extradition. Especially considering the Arizona "Commissioner" has released an alleged repeated bond-jumper for a few hundred dollars.

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    There are two major flaws violating constitution and law, so that recusal is the wrong word. There is no recusal if the "judge" was never seated as a judge. I have always described these actors as 'attorneys in black robes' and we see one attorney authorizing another attorney who fraudulently signs as, District Court Judge.

    • the oath was not published within the time permitted by law
    • she "swears", not affirms while removing "ever-living God"

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    With Justice Brett MICHAEL KAVENAUGH overseeing things, we are watching the compliance and rectification of the Dragon Court. Certainly it comes to any attorney's attention in the Dragon Court how Julie Kuntz FIELDS avoided writing her name clearly anywhere on the process, knowing that people cannot read her signature. The suitor had to look on her oath of office and match up the scribbling.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 01-16-19 at 08:41 AM.

  9. #19
    To further develop your understanding about Mexican Wall = red herring...

    We look at the gold thief of the Holy Bible, processing the gold from the Golden Calf into powder - manna from heaven for the communication with the Levite priests in Jerusalem. As indicated by the description of the Enlil hieroglyphic above created a LULU. This term is rare but "God's Chosen People" are a plan for global conquest, by a genetically engineered genius. He delivered to Moses the telomeregenesis therapy but delivered it with the Law, and a big guilt trip for the Israelites.

    The law prohibits the ingestion of blood. And the law prohibits contact with menstruum, even until a woman is completely done with her period and after she has washed herself clean. During any time when she might deliver from the treasury of viable human fetal stem cells, she is considered "unclean" and forbidden to touch anybody.

    Everlasting life is to Judaism and Christianity secret and private intellectual property.

    Knowledge delivers us.

    For the intents of this post I mean that 32° Scottish Rite Freemason James Harlan co-authored Are You Lost at C? Before studying at the Mason Library and Museum I was very distrusting of Masons. Jim won my trust by telling me how at every degree he was promised more revelation of the Secrets of the Sanctuary - like I describe herein. When he got to the 32nd degree though, he requested disclosure and was told that he must earn more trust yet, and get the 33rd degree before he would be told the rest of the esoteric. He quit paying dues but something interesting came of it. On the eve of the 1998 Crash, he sold his entire portfolio of client investments, based on Fibonacci grind.

    His Libel in Review never got to state court because Mr Wiley Young DANIEL is not and never been a federal judge. But this is the only instance where a FrivPen against an estate has 'disappeared' from the county clerk and recorder, that I have seen.

    Late in 1995 I adjusted my Libel in Review to be against the International Monetary Fund Internal Revenue Service and filed it In Forma Pauperis before Mr. SPARR. He refused me. My objection was that I did not want to use the $120 in the currency issued by the UN Defendant (the IMF is an organ of the UN). On my way back from Denver Jim paged me. I stopped and called from a truck stop. Jim was offering to pay the $120 and I was grateful, "If the In Forma Pauperis fails then I will gladly accept."

    He replied, No. You have to turn around and go file it now, today.

    I pointed out that the courthouse would be closed. He told me the clerk and security would be keeping the courthouse open late for me.


    I declined the offer and when Mr SPARR refused the In Forma Pauperis I paid the $120 and filed the Libel in Review. The next morning I hear Rush going on with his fearful hate-mongering about the Government was shut down. Of course nobody knew it would be a restructure - 31-Day Government Shutdown. I did not realize until some time later that my demand for In Forma Pauperis was demand for lawful money.

    Now it is so obvious. Do you see the connections to the Dragon Court and why KAVANAUGH's oath is very compelling behind the admiralty garnishment on the US Governor for the IMF?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Late in 1995 I adjusted my Libel in Review to be against the International Monetary Fund Internal Revenue Service and filed it In Forma Pauperis before Mr. SPARR. He refused me. My objection was that I did not want to use the $120 in the currency issued by the UN Defendant (the IMF is an organ of the UN). On my way back from Denver Jim paged me. I stopped and called from a truck stop. Jim was offering to pay the $120 and I was grateful, "If the In Forma Pauperis fails then I will gladly accept."

    He replied, No. You have to turn around and go file it now, today.

    I pointed out that the courthouse would be closed. He told me the clerk and security would be keeping the courthouse open late for me.


    I declined the offer and when Mr SPARR refused the In Forma Pauperis I paid the $120 and filed the Libel in Review. The next morning I hear Rush going on with his fearful hate-mongering about the Government was shut down. Of course nobody knew it would be a restructure - 31-Day Government Shutdown. I did not realize until some time later that my demand for In Forma Pauperis was demand for lawful money.
    Rush? guessing that is Rush Limbaugh. That is interesting. I take it you paid the $120 in lawful money which is not the currency of the defendant.

    I thought the 1995 shutdown was 21 days. Apparently when an emergency shutdown like this lasts 30 days, those emergency furloughed workers can be laid off in an administrative furlough

    This anonymous senior official says most of his "colleagues actively work against the president’s agenda." Restructure?

    I am always please when members are paying attention to detail. I have been saying about 1/23 that this is just a good way to remember. If these national bankruptcies (Bretton Woods Agreements) were strictly held to traditions then TRUMP would have to rename the United States. But I wouldn't put it past him. The mysticomimetic neuropsychopharmacology came through this morning thinking about more than 100,000 bot memberships here from China and Russia...

    USA v. Internet Research Agency

    Amicus Curiae

    Thank goodness for a little moderation!
    Last edited by David Merrill; 01-17-19 at 05:58 PM.

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