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Thread: The Sumerian Swindle, and The Monsters of Babylon

  1. #1

    The Sumerian Swindle, and The Monsters of Babylon

  2. #2
    Anti-Semitism looks good on you. Sorry, didn't make it past the first misattributed quote.

  3. #3
    The Bible Story is much different than I was taught. And I have been staying in the mainstream charismatic rapture eschatology as well as Messianic Judaism. Here are three snippets from Laurence Gardner and one of them describes his credentials to be reciting records.

    How the Bloodline book happened.

    Bible nomenclature and transfiguration.

    6000 years of Dragon Court history.

    Since I study Torah with Jews, I hesitate to call myself antisemitic. But we read the same Hebrew text and see it quite differently. One example is that Abram and Sarai were half-siblings, incest if you want to interpret things literally. That is the way of the Bible thumpers though, God's infallible Word and all. Another brief example is thinking that Jesus lived in Israel. Jesus lived in the New Babylonian Empire and was born a Babylonian Jew politically.

    Something peculiar about authors is that they limit and restrict their ability to grow, by setting their belief sets down to pen and earning money. Therefore they need to keep protecting yesterday's beliefs. Also, the Internet will continue teaching those beliefs whether the author wants to or not. Just ask Walker Fowler TODD. His affidavit was never intended to go digital! His roommate uploaded it just before he went to court without consent.

    So please, be careful with reactionary doctrine.

    P.S. I took a look and stopped with the first hint of hate doctrine for the Jews.

    Here is an interesting article (2) from 1928 Century Magazine. I imagine that Adolph would have read it at about the time to plant a seed where to find a national enemy to unite the German people. Another aspect about Semitic sympathy and antisemitism is the slur against the German people for being so stupid as to put HITLER into that position to begin with. A suitor paid me in part with a collection of historical artifacts about HITLER.

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    It piqued my interest enough to accept it for payment. It shows the side of Adolph nobody ever gets to see. And explains how he could have become powerful enough to do the things that he did.

    Interestingly this is probably enough to label me antisemitic. And that is the conditioning I feel we should all overcome - reactionary doctrine. I have seen the fear of hate crime branding be more detrimental than actual hate crime. The truth might cost plenty. Then again many people will sell out for much less.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by David Merrill; 09-11-19 at 12:57 AM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    Anti-Semitism looks good on you. Sorry, didn't make it past the first misattributed quote.
    No offense taken rabbi, knowledge is what it is, freedom to some, a curse to others.
    Last edited by Gavilan; 09-11-19 at 02:43 AM.

  5. #5
    David, at first glance it seems to be filled with hate against the Jews, but is it? Who are the Jews? Is the working man that wears a yamulke and cares for his family a Jew? Or is it the one with full knowledge of Usury's curse that prays on Humanity the Jew? I agree these books are extremely dangerous for unprepared or ignorant minds.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post
    David, at first glance it seems to be filled with hate against the Jews, but is it? Who are the Jews? Is the working man that wears a yamulke and cares for his family a Jew? Or is it the one with full knowledge of Usury's curse that prays on Humanity the Jew? I agree these books are extremely dangerous for unprepared or ignorant minds.
    As a general commentary and not specifically aimed at Gavilan:

    It is a real shame that people take the Bible so literal. I went to a synagogue to get a taste of what it is like and I was appalled at the racism. However, I went to the so called Christian church and found the same. I imagine it to be the same everywhere religion is practiced in exoteric form.

    "I know who you are who say you are of the house of Judah but do lie."

    Who is hopelessly enslaved?: the one who thinks (s)he is free. Do utter those magic words - and the White Wizard has you.

    Regarding the term Jew: In English it has an apparent meaning a "Jew-El". But if we accept the racist point of view of a "chosen" people, then that would make God a respecter of persons. Am I wrong? The term Jew is defined in Scripture - by the greatest Rabbi of all time who was the student of Gamaliel. Said student could orally recite the entire Torah.

    Check yourself. Can you recite even the 1st chapter of Genesis 1? I can't. This instrument of God remains in bondage even to this day. But some are being birthed in his bonds [Onesimus].

    Rom 2:29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

    Those who remain in flesh consciousness calling themselves Jews do lie.

    Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

    Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

    Rom 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

    This reminds me of a lazy farmer who wouldn't raise any grain. 37 seeds to turn on the lamp - igniting the eternal fire. In the Leap Year is the celebration - 37 moons in the house of the Sun.

    Babylon doth spew her poisonous seed. And he thinking to marry his sister. Silly rabbit. A lazy man she will not maintain. Why he can't even make his own corngrain. Too busy stomping over rabbit tracks in the outer court - arguing over that which matters not. Of course, he turns and pouts....

    Instead of seeking the Gold of Ophir, he is satisfied with the dross of silver. How long will the prodigal son eat hog slop? Shall we now turn and return to the truth - and raise up seed to the Father?

    Have the courage to turn away from the anti-Christ system which has hijacked the truth. May the true Husbandman raise up seed Christed and Crucified. Aquarius doth pour out HER water.

    M - Mem - Mother - Water
    A - Aleph - Father - Ox [strength]
    N - Nun - Son - Seed

    May the Wom[b]-man birth new seed in each of us. But someone said they saw activity on Mars and so another great war was predicted. It doesn't have to be. Why do folks look to their own destruction?

    To our success,
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 09-11-19 at 04:37 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  7. #7
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Interestingly this is probably enough to label me antisemitic. And that is the conditioning I feel we should all overcome - reactionary doctrine. I have seen the fear of hate crime branding be more detrimental than actual hate crime. The truth might cost plenty. Then again many people will sell out for much less.
    Objective examination is in the hands of the Wise.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    As a general commentary and not specifically aimed at Gavilan:

    It is a real shame that people take the Bible so literal. I went to a synagogue to get a taste of what it is like and I was appalled at the racism. However, I went to the so called Christian church and found the same. I imagine it to be the same everywhere religion is practiced in exoteric form.

    "I know who you are who say you are of the house of Judah but do lie."

    May the Wom[b]-man birth new seed in each of us. But someone said they saw activity on Mars and so another great war was predicted. It doesn't have to be. Why do folks look to their own destruction?

    To our success,
    I have seen that too. Who is the Jew?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post
    David, at first glance it seems to be filled with hate against the Jews, but is it? Who are the Jews? Is the working man that wears a yamulke and cares for his family a Jew? Or is it the one with full knowledge of Usury's curse that prays on Humanity the Jew? I agree these books are extremely dangerous for unprepared or ignorant minds.
    Or is it the one with full knowledge of Usury's curse that prays on Humanity the Jew?

    Very revealing! Your question reveals that you think the word "Jew" is a slur. So you are probably best to drop the subject here. But answering your question anyway -

    The genetic engineering shows Jesus was son of Archelaus HEROD, an Idumean. This is the same Dragon Court mission found with Abram bedding Sarai with the Pharaoh, Senusret II. Laurence GARDNER explains that the culture of the Israelites (Moses) is Egyptian and before that Iraq.

    This is how badly religion will distort the plain and simple record.

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    The forum is pretty flexible so I will estimate another possibility. Highward (Shem) Starfire is a charge compression between light and gravity. This condition is "rapture" or being taken up into the clouds. The Egyptians called it gone like the migrating birds. Christians and Jews call it transfiguration. The record shows both Enlil and Enke retired into this condition. However Enlil had a "black" second facility in Arabia, a stargate back and unknown in secret amassed an army of warrior-priests by feeding them the starfire powder. Moses and Aaron fashioned a gold heist through the Golden Calf and real or not YHWH (Enlil - El Shaddai) convinced his army He could destroy them at the drop of a hat. Moses took the Golden Calf up the mountain and converted it to powder and brought it to the people, mixed it up with water and made the people drink it. ESP enhanced warriors are pretty tough.

    These were the Israelites and they warred against the Hebrews and the other "invading" cultures after the Tower of Babylon incursion and foreign occupation that Enlil had earlier engineered. Then upon ten tribes sticking with the sexually balanced image of God Nebuchadnezzar invaded Judah and converted these folks to Jews by taking them into Babylon, castrating the men and breeding his seed, sharing with Darius and Cyrus (Persia) so not to have recombinant DNA. Then he returned them to Jerusalem and installed the Laws of Moses (Enlil) as a patriarchal monotheistic religion by Constitution (Nehemiah 10). Nehemiah was a Babylonian marshall - TIRSHATHA.

    Jesus lived in the New Babylonian Empire, at the time.

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    I speculated above that the realm or alternate dimension is mental. By installing the Laws of Moses by constitution Enlil has assured all Jews and Christians will avoid experimentation into fetal stem cells in menstruum and starfire exotic matter powders too. These have not even found their way into the periodic table to date.

    But my speculations are even more fringe than that.

    By installing this religious order Enlil is alive in our thoughts, just as we are taught and by constructing the second "black" manna fabrication facility he has overtaken the entire pharaonic library of deity leadership. Enlil, in the mental realms dominates our thoughts and is dictating our actions and worst of all driving our guilt trips about blood and original sin. Is this what we want?

    Why do folks look to their own destruction?

    The overwhelming sense of loss I feel is with Flinders PETRIE destroying all that white powder, in ignorance, thinking it was wood ash. Where in any culture has anybody ever refined pure wood ash?

  9. #9
    I should explain some foundation.

    As I am reading several books at once on Mesopotamian history, a while back I began to form an understanding of worship. It is derived from a term, Work-Ship. It is something new to me, this idea. Picture an entire culture of men and women engaged in a different god-forming, religion. This one is to dedicate quite a bit of community effort into elevating the monarchy into spiritual, mental and intellectual ascension. Cultivating leadership and when they begin to influence the mental state of State, they become as gods - deity.

    They worked together.

  10. #10
    I should explain some foundation.

    As I am reading several books at once on Mesopotamian history, a while back I began to form an understanding of worship. It is derived from a term, Work-Ship. It is something new to me, this idea. Picture an entire culture of men and women engaged in a different god-forming, religion. This one is to dedicate quite a bit of community effort into elevating the monarchy into spiritual, mental and intellectual ascension. Cultivating leadership and when they begin to influence the mental state of State, they become as gods - deity.

    They worked together, these leaders with the goal of bettering the beneficiary - humanity.

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    The Sarabit manna factory shows a library of many leaders and many of these sarcophagi remain empty even though there are no signs of tomb raid. The university concept, teaching the nomadic tribes about agriculture, masonry, carpentry, materials, irrigation etc. prospered and was cherished until Enlil Kurgal, El Shaddai who was known as YHWH became the "jealous" god and created the Flood of invading cultures. He had or has a much smaller manna fabrication plant, in Arabia.

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    Please understand that I have met and spoken with the "founder" of this discovery - that Sinai is actually located in Arabia, just like the Bible says. Robert CORNUKE.

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    Like shown earlier, the Mt Sarabit discovery was excavated in 1904-1905 and the manna hoard there was destroyed. The exotic matter is yet to be properly characterized and I speculate wildly here. From the parts of the record I believe though, I feel that I have answered some of the major questions that come up.

    These early gods were men of a protected bloodline, protected by the Dragon Sovereignty, which is Cain (King). When Israel begged Samuel for a King, they were asking to be ruled by these Anunnaki (again). This explains why the Bible tells us that Abraham coupled with Hagar (producing Ishmael) but not with Sarah. He contracted with Melchizedek through three angels and took Sarah into Egypt so that Pharaoh coupled with her producing Isaac.

    However that is clearly different than the religious Bible Story we hear at chuch.

    My point is about God-Forming. We are compelled by the Laws of Moses adopted at Nehemiah 10 to be shorting ourselves of the priestly benefits of everlasting life and renewal of mind. It is a patriarchal monotheistic doctrine by one of the Sons of God (sons of Cain) who rebelled and warred against anybody getting in His way. Maybe the Lesson is that this will lead to your own destruction - conquer and devour.

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    The Bible tells us that Jesus was Son of God. Compare to Genesis Chapter 6.

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