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Thread: Are we dealing with a 'super flu' or a hyper amplified nocebo effect?

  1. #1

    Are we dealing with a 'super flu' or a hyper amplified nocebo effect?


    Kindly forgive me if this has already been presented here for discussion...

    For those who don't know, the nocebo effect is the "evil twin" of the placebo effect. In short, the same sugar pill that can make someone heal can be used to make them sick. There are plenty of case studies done on the nocebo effect, and it has been well established that it can even be lethal.

    Now, considering that the nocebo effect and a sugar pill can be used to make someone sick (and in extreme instances even kill someone), what if the nocebo effect was applied to a common virus like the flu?

    Unlike a sugar pill which has no actual effects, a flu does. This would make creating a nocebo effect around it even more potent because there would be some real symptoms to start with.

    Next, considering the Case Fatality Rate of the covid19 flu is not that much higher than all the other strains of the flu, why did anyone jump to the conclusion this is a "super flu"? And, after jumping to this conclusion, the World Health Organization appears to have began creating the nocebo effect around this flu, and others joined in, world wide.... Which hyper amplified it.

    I dare say, and I am not alone, that the actual cause of the slightly higher Case Fatality Rate and serious illness from this flu is due to a hyper amplified nocebo effect created around a common flu virus, and that we are NOT dealing with a "super flu".

    Here is a study underway on this topic:


    The COVID-19 pandemic is a major health issue, which leads to psychological and behavioural changes. In particular, among various negative feelings, fear seems to be one of the main emotional reactions that can be as contagious as the virus itself. The actual pandemic is likely to function as an important stressor, especially in terms of chronic anxiety and lack of control over the succession of unforeseeable environmental events. In this direction, the psychological impact of previous quarantine measures showed important negative psychological effects, including post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTTS) with long-lasting effects. The presence of psychological discomfort and disturbances due to negative contextual factors can be studied using the nocebo phenomenon as a possible theoretical explanatory framework. Although in the absence of studies linking nocebo to Covid-19 and data-driven evidence, the context of the actual pandemic may be seen as a fertile ground for amplified discomfort and anxiety. The media provide dramatic and negative descriptions and often present conflicting sources of information, which can lead to physical and mental health problems, diminishing response to treatment. This can be worse when supported by conspiracy theories or misinformation. The aim of this perspective review is to propose a new theoretical framework for the COVID-19 pandemic, which should be supported by future empirical studies. In particular, the negative contextual factors, which can predispose individuals to psychological distress and the onset of the nocebo phenomena will be presented here, in order to suggest possible guidelines to mitigate the devastating effects of COVID-19.


    The COVID-19 pandemic includes a perfect storm in which powerful nocebo effects may be flourishing. The nocebo effect can be mediated by situational-contextual factors (such as verbal information and suggestions, healthcare beliefs and health professional interactions, exposure to negative media campaigns, or previous personal experience) and by individual factors.

    In Hahn and Kleinman (1983) published, in the prestigious Medical Anthropology Quarterly, a short article on the effects of belief. In particular, the authors underlined that beliefs may “kill” and beliefs may “heal” and what a person believes within a society plays a significant role both in producing disease and as a remedy. The authors illustrated different forms of the nocebo effect, as beliefs influence outcomes, particularly in the absence of specific events or communications: fear of heart disease increases the risk of ischemic attack; similarly, depressive states – i.e., a generalised sense of impotence – increase the probability of death as a result of ischemic events. Moreover, it is important to note how Cannon (1942) had already previously defined the phenomenon of “voodoo death” as a dramatic nocebo effect, following the induction of a pervasive state of terror. Prolonged stress events due to different adverse environmental contexts can cause the collapse of the neurovegetative balance and this can be so serious that it paralyses vital functions and induces death, even in the absence of organic lesions. In particular, the death may be caused by lasting and intense action of the sympathico-adrenal system. Since Cannon’s observations, accumulated evidence supported his concept of “voodoo death” and nowadays it is considered as a real phenomenon, but far from being limited to ancient peoples. It can be defined as a basic biological principle that provides an important clue to understand the phenomenon of sudden death, as well as to provide an explanation for neurovisceral diseases (Samuels, 2007).


    Christopher Theodore


    I have already had this flu, and like every other flu, it was insignificant. I never thought we were dealing with a super flu either.


    Here is a video to a general TedX talk by Lissa Rankin, MD about the power of the placebo and nocebo effect:

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Theodore View Post

    Kindly forgive me if this has already been presented here for discussion...

    For those who don't know, the nocebo effect is the "evil twin" of the placebo effect. In short, the same sugar pill that can make someone heal can be used to make them sick. There are plenty of case studies done on the nocebo effect, and it has been well established that it can even be lethal.

    Now, considering that the nocebo effect and a sugar pill can be used to make someone sick (and in extreme instances even kill someone), what if the nocebo effect was applied to a common virus like the flu?

    Unlike a sugar pill which has no actual effects, a flu does. This would make creating a nocebo effect around it even more potent because there would be some real symptoms to start with.

    Next, considering the Case Fatality Rate of the covid19 flu is not that much higher than all the other strains of the flu, why did anyone jump to the conclusion this is a "super flu"? And, after jumping to this conclusion, the World Health Organization appears to have began creating the nocebo effect around this flu, and others joined in, world wide.... Which hyper amplified it.

    I dare say, and I am not alone, that the actual cause of the slightly higher Case Fatality Rate and serious illness from this flu is due to a hyper amplified nocebo effect created around a common flu virus, and that we are NOT dealing with a "super flu".

    Here is a study underway on this topic:


    Christopher Theodore


    I have already had this flu, and like every other flu, it was insignificant. I never thought we were dealing with a super flu either.


    Here is a video to a general TedX talk by Lissa Rankin, MD about the power of the placebo and nocebo effect:

    [disabled video=youtube;LWQfe__fNbs][/video]
    I spend plenty of my imagination beyond the fringe. So I am in complete agreement.

    A pretty face on some divine neurology convinced me about CRISPR-Cas9 tech.

    So once again I spent some time down the bunny hole. From one pretty blonde to another...

    Name:  Moderna mRNA patent search.jpg
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    Dr. Carrie speaks about this at the end of her video (linked). Programmable mDNA and even cccDNA.

    Name:  Programmable Messenger RNA Moderna US #10696986_Page_01.jpg
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    I like the inventor/ASSIGNMENT distinction, showing the difference between the entity and the corporation coverture DEVICE.

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    Name:  Programmable Messenger RNA Moderna US #10696986_Page_07.jpg
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    These can be both written and read. This is an interesting exploration indeed.

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  3. #3

    CRISPR-Cas9 looks much easier for people to access than spending decades developing mind and body via application of techniques taught by the Yogi (and others), aeons ago.

    I remain a fan of the old school, but new school science is very exciting... especially when it proves what many had began to believe to be impossible.

    This quote from Arthur C Clarke comes to the forefront of my mind: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

    Too bad there is so much black magic being used to do so much harm to people these days.

    I'm hoping that this thread does the trick and breaks the spell for some people.


    Christopher Theodore

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Theodore View Post

    Kindly forgive me if this has already been presented here for discussion...


    Christopher Theodore


    I have already had this flu, and like every other flu, it was insignificant. I never thought we were dealing with a super flu either.
    Poring through patents is a fairly arduous method but the information is good. What I mean is that one patent leads to another and when one inventor calls upon a patent for substantiating the new invention they become linked in the USPTO search engine. For example the MIT patent above is found by "MODERNA+mRNA". And what I was interested in is validating Dr Carrie's (admitted) speculation that programmed mutagenesis through injecting the COVID-19 vaccine is indeed a possibility.

    What is special about the COVID-19 virus is the neuropeptides in the spike protein are especially attracted to Type II pneumacite cells. These are in the alveoli, the little air sacs in the lungs and if these become infected with a virus the surfactant level changes the surface tension so that water from blood plasma at this blood gas interface can seep into and fill the little air sacs. - Pneumonia!

    So you are correct. This is a regular virus infection that has a way of killing the elderly and infants alike. But this nasty pneumonia, even in healthy people is life-changing. Most people who go through the virus know not about baking soda, Vitamin C, black seed oil, chamomile extract, niacin & aspirin (flushing blood thinner) etc., powerful antinflammatory supplements that can regulate and normalize the Crebs Cycle for speedy recovery.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Poring through patents is a fairly arduous method but the information is good. What I mean is that one patent leads to another and when one inventor calls upon a patent for substantiating the new invention they become linked in the USPTO search engine. For example the MIT patent above is found by "MODERNA+mRNA". And what I was interested in is validating Dr Carrie's (admitted) speculation that programmed mutagenesis through injecting the COVID-19 vaccine is indeed a possibility.

    What is special about the COVID-19 virus is the neuropeptides in the spike protein are especially attracted to Type II pneumacite cells. These are in the alveoli, the little air sacs in the lungs and if these become infected with a virus the surfactant level changes the surface tension so that water from blood plasma at this blood gas interface can seep into and fill the little air sacs. - Pneumonia!

    So you are correct. This is a regular virus infection that has a way of killing the elderly and infants alike. But this nasty pneumonia, even in healthy people is life-changing. Most people who go through the virus know not about baking soda, Vitamin C, black seed oil, chamomile extract, niacin & aspirin (flushing blood thinner) etc., powerful antinflammatory supplements that can regulate and normalize the Crebs Cycle for speedy recovery.

    I'm looking into the science you posted still. Its a bit dense, not just pouring through patents, but actually looking into the chemistry... and DNA manipulation is so new, I am not interested in becoming a volunteer for trials.

    Been using Vitamin C for decades. Powerful stuff. I (and my household) did increase our Vitamin C intake by titrating to bowel tolerance (link to Dr. Cathcart's paper on the subject below). We went from tolerating a total of around 2 grams of oral Vitamin C per day... to being able to tolerate between 6-9 grams a day, divided up into 3 doses (morning, afternoon, evening) during the course of the infection.. and dropped our intake back to normal levels as our bodies cure it.

    By curing the acute scurvy, the effects of scurvy are eliminated.

    We were also sun bathing for around 15-30+ minutes everyday.

    However, I persist, the mental factor was the major key... in both directions the extremes of this virus effects people (asymptomatic <-> death).


    Here's the paper by Dr Cathcart for anyone that hasn't taken a look yet, and I know there are many studies claiming to debunk Vitamin C, but when you look at the fact that acute scurvy occurs during all illnesses, and Vitamin C is the only cure for scurvy, and one of the symptoms of acute scurvy is a weakened immune system, it is quite obvious how powerful Vitamin C is in reducing severity of symptoms of all illnesses.

    The Method of Determining Proper Doses of
    Vitamin C for the Treatment of Disease by Titrating to Bowel Tolerance --


    Christopher Theodore


    Since Vitamin C has become a factor in the discussion, people might also be interested in what these two Doctors have to say on the high does IV Vitamin C:

    They, Dr Paul Marik and Dr. Alpha Fowler, start talking after the people who conducted the VITAMINS TRAIL are done with their presentation (at minute mark 32:00):

    "It was a bogus trial designed to fail." Dr. Paul Marik

    Both of these doctors have done several lectures anyone can find and watch on YouTube.


    Dr. Richard Cheng's work is also worth looking into... but he's building off Marik and Fowler's work.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    The whole thing. In its' entirety.

    Is all magic and nocebo - that is what I meant by I agree. In Blacklist poor Red is facing down a lethal inmate, "Fear is a liar, that activates the enemy."

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