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Thread: Lawful Money redeemer prepping for meme stock short squeezes in a rollover IRA

  1. #21
    "The pieces of a puzzle rarely reveal the entire image until they are assembled". I've been told that when too many coincidences happen in a short amount of time they weren't coincidences but a plan. Too many things have happened and are happening in a short amount of time. Early this morning I caught an article on Yahoo that was removed soon after about Wuhan scientists wanting to release corona virus in bat caves to inoculate them and it was titled:

    "Wuhan scientists planned to release coronavirus particles into cave bats, leaked papers reveal".

    I'm not going to dive into it it's just another piece to the puzzle. So we have the pandemic, the national debt approaching 29T, the stock market and world economy on the verge of collapse, "inflation", insurrections and civil discourse, the slow degradation and collapse of society, extreme weather and environmental changes, climate change?? I'm a nut job when I say the word "depopulation".

    Quote Originally Posted by teamsnowden

    -It's interesting that the current proposed solution for triggering the AMC/GME squeeze and market crash is leaning towards ComputerShare. You of all people David, as well as readers of this forum who are struggling through the previous messages as I admittedly am, will appreciate this. ComputerShare enables us to register our shares of a stock in our name, instead of a registering to the broker (eg Fidelity), each share we REDEEM as our own, creates less opportunity for synthetic shares to be created in a dark pool exchanges by hedge funds such as (Citadel). Oddly enough, if we REDEEM our shares, it appears to be our REMEDY. Call me crazy (I've been called worse anyways) but this sure sounds like lawful money redemption. 513.33 M shares is the AMC float and 63.17 M shares is the GME float. So if we redeemed the smaller float, GME as shares in our own name without the brokerage, we can technically force the (currency of) stocks to go from elastic share lending/creation to an inelastic finite currency like Lawful Money with it's $300 Million constitutional "float." I think you've said it was or is a Bank Holiday or something grand when that happened and I think the market crash would be the 2021 version of this, as it will cause the economic crash, liquidity issues, and transfer of wealth from the greedy hedge funds to the common investor.

    I agree with all this when it comes to lawful money redemption as we are redeeming something real that is ours as compared creating and loaning out synthetic (fake like FRN) shares. When it collapses and it's gonna collapse I hope a lot of people have a plan or exit strategy. Have you created any trusts to safeguard all assets?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    FEMA Region VIII, formerly Denver, CO
    Quote Originally Posted by joseph3r View Post
    "The pieces of a puzzle rarely reveal the entire image until they are assembled". I've been told that when too many coincidences happen in a short amount of time they weren't coincidences but a plan. Too many things have happened and are happening in a short amount of time. Early this morning I caught an article on Yahoo that was removed soon after about Wuhan scientists wanting to release corona virus in bat caves to inoculate them and it was titled:

    "Wuhan scientists planned to release coronavirus particles into cave bats, leaked papers reveal".

    I'm not going to dive into it it's just another piece to the puzzle. So we have the pandemic, the national debt approaching 29T, the stock market and world economy on the verge of collapse, "inflation", insurrections and civil discourse, the slow degradation and collapse of society, extreme weather and environmental changes, climate change?? I'm a nut job when I say the word "depopulation".

    I agree with all this when it comes to lawful money redemption as we are redeeming something real that is ours as compared creating and loaning out synthetic (fake like FRN) shares. When it collapses and it's gonna collapse I hope a lot of people have a plan or exit strategy. Have you created any trusts to safeguard all assets?
    I think the pandemic and vaccine are smokescreens… just as Christmas was for the Federal Reserve Act. We've got troublesome vaccines and 5G worldwide rollouts. I'm long known to have controversial viewpoints that don't border being shot down and called "conspiracy theories" but every day seems to expose a lot of conspiracy theories as more factual than theory. I take a lot of heat for it and that's okay by me. Might be time for me to re-read Revelation.

    I know there's a section of the forum dedicated to Trusts, but I don't know that I understand Trusts 101 or have the ELI5 version of Bishop Castle either. Another can of worms that I'll open soon.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by teamsnowden View Post
    I think the pandemic and vaccine are smokescreens… just as Christmas was for the Federal Reserve Act. We've got troublesome vaccines and 5G worldwide rollouts. I'm long known to have controversial viewpoints that don't border being shot down and called "conspiracy theories" but every day seems to expose a lot of conspiracy theories as more factual than theory. I take a lot of heat for it and that's okay by me. Might be time for me to re-read Revelation.

    I know there's a section of the forum dedicated to Trusts, but I don't know that I understand Trusts 101 or have the ELI5 version of Bishop Castle either. Another can of worms that I'll open soon.
    Interesting comment! Thanks.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    FEMA Region VIII, formerly Denver, CO
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    This article. Really solid…*and then you see the publish date. Wow.

    Are there any updates or did I miss another thread about your mail's arrival? I'm curious about it's results and effects.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by teamsnowden View Post
    Are there any updates or did I miss another thread about your mail's arrival? I'm curious about it's results and effects.
    I can only speculate what you mean by "my mail".

    So I am not going to go contrary to the posts herein and all the attachments. We are living through some very deadly times. I am in an environment where I see enough attrition to believe the VAERS system buffers us from half a million dead at least. I am witnessing enough media control to believe that the night crematoriums are burning a lot of bodies, but have not seen it. That is a potential intel. Search a map of crematoriums and find a high point in the night - look for smoke.
    This is the one item on my mind.

    Name:  PRIORITY USPS Tracking - Information Available Soon.jpg
Views: 259
Size:  79.2 KB

    That is what is going on basically, the US Treasury is using their mail clerk, or DoJ to convince the USPS to evade process. Six months and the PRIORITY MAIL report is such a let down. The law is the law, and attorneys are the brunt end of all those great jokes for good reason. So if you are not a suitor yet, get in touch ($2,500). It is a bit of work fulfilling our part, making demand of the US Treasury but in many instances like $20K+ refunds of withholdings, well worth it! See the attached clerk instruction.

    Upon the 2011 article, consider this. And that Castle Church acquired per schedule GOOGLE/ALPHABET Inc. on 10/11/21 upon the 9/11/21 20-year Charter/Final Judgment, all to the day. - Back to August 13, 1630 if you read closely. A whisper becomes a shout in throughout the Internet's preconscious at nearly 200K Users here at StSC. Remember that 'saving to suitors' is consulate. By being a member/user here you are a consul - once your mind has been redeemed.

    Ownership is use. The holy grail of trust law is to hide the owner. So if you don't believe me, then you get my point.

    Donald John was ousted from the Oval Office because he tried to save the USA from The Culling. There would have been no COVID panic if he had put his hydroxychloroquine into play. I am just saying... on the fact that the matrix and so very many hearts are already destroyed. The hospitals are the furnace of the holocaust - whatever the symptoms, the admission is COVID and the COVID ward administers remdesivir causing renal failure to fill the lungs. Then the outpatient exits through the hospital or county crematorium. Up in smoke - surgical annihilation.

    TRUMP extended a $750M loan to Eastman-Kodak to refine the raw materials for hydroxychloroquine, all local on EO #13449 attached.

    So now he can come back hero after we mop up.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #26
    "SO HELP ME GOD", the God of trusts and corporations?

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by joseph3r View Post
    "SO HELP ME GOD", the God of trusts and corporations?
    I looked around herein.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Hi All. I hope you and yours are well. Recently when I was bored out of my mind I took to reading the Parity Act. I found that the term Dollars is a term one might really consider. The reason being is that due to the Parity Act a Federal Reserve Dollar can buy just as much property as an United States Dollar and in the Parity Act one is relieved from the burden of Gold [or any other metal] thru the term Dollar.

    I find it interesting how the mind is captured to the point where it only considers the transfer of property on the basis of Dollars. I am not disparaging you Chex rather in general I have noticed about the public how the public speaks. In terms of value I find many speak in Dollars.

    To a house framer a hammer has value greater than Dollars because it has Use. And therein is the key, i think.

    Everyone in the Kingdom [trust or House] must have a Use. That is not to degrade the Use because it is good to be useful to others. Enter the salesman stage left to put a value on uses. Lobbyist and the like. One complained to me the other day about property taxes. I responded with: do we not benefit in society upon the meager level of education provided at the base rung of public education? Would we rather prefer to be overrun by feral children/young adults?

    Naturally taxes are paid upon the transfer of property. And clearly a basket of properties is held in an Estate or State is you prefer. Now then I shall make a large leap across the divide. When it gets right down to it - Government is a Religion. Because Government could not exist without the capturing of the mass mind. Sure enough when I look atop George Washington's head ($1 Note) I find an alter. He is the first United States President [Alpha] and whoa is that an Omega blanketing him? Indeed sir.

    Federal Reserve Notes are not Fiat currency. Because said notes have the backing of property. In reality it is United States Notes that are fiat for they are backed solely on the promise of the United States Government to repay.

    I suppose in the larger scheme of matters one must analyze one's business ventures and ask, did I make a use of the State or State property to effect a gain thru sale, bargain, transfer, conveyance, etc? Is it not practical to charge a rent for said use?

    Let me say it another way. Did not Levi tithe to Melchizedok in the loins of Abraham? Levi not yet being born is subject to the agreements established by his Fathers. Should one choose to leave his Mother and Father and take a wife, then one must create a new House.

    Heb 7:9* And as I may so say, Levi also, who receiveth tithes, payed tithes in Abraham.*
    Heb 7:10* For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him.*

    Enough of that for now. In my opinion one must ask if property was used to effect one's business affairs. And by property I refer to that which is lodged within a certain trust. Property of course is merely a concept acting upon a Thing. Said Thing can even be corporeal or incorporeal. But it is a Morpheus asked :What is real?

    And now is the dream revealed. Best Regards, MJ
    A reminder.

    A blockchain, originally block chain, is a growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked using cryptography. Blockchains which are readable by the public are widely used by cryptocurrencies. Private blockchains have been proposed for business use. Some marketing of blockchains has been called "snake oil".

    Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data (generally represented as a merkle tree root hash). By design, a blockchain is resistant to modification of the data. It is "an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way". For use as a distributed ledger, a blockchain is typically managed by a peer-to-peer network collectively adhering to a protocol for inter-node communication and validating new blocks. Once recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without alteration of all subsequent blocks, which requires consensus of the network majority.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-17-21 at 02:06 PM.

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